Chapter Two: Your True Self

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Lily's P.O.V

It's been a month since I started visiting Marcus. Every time I go see him, he's getting better. That's a relieve.

Today was Saturday so I visited Marcus this morning. Now it was nighttime and I'm going to check up on him again. And I've brought dinner too.

When I arrived at the "secret hiding place" I saw Marcus's teeth in some girl's neck. Blood flowed down her neck as she whimpers. Marcus is drinking blood? Oh My God! Marcus is drinking blood! Human blood! I wanted to run and hide from this creature in front of me but I can't. I'm frozen from shock. When he pulled his teeth out of her neck, blood was everywhere.

My hands and knees got weak and I fell to the ground. I dropped the dinner. Doing so made sounds. Marcus turns towards me and was still swallowing the blood.

Marcus's P.O.V

I heard a noise behind me and turned towards it. It was Lily. Her eyes was staring at me in horror. I realized what she was horrified about and quickly covered my mouth. The girl already walked away so it's just me and Lily.

"Lily...I...." I started to say but nothing came out. There's nothing to explain or hide anymore. She saw it. She saw it all. Now she knows what I really am.

I started walking towards her trying to tell her that I will never try to hurt her.

Lily's P.O.V

I snapped out of my frozen state and slowly started backing away. "Stay away from me please!" I pleaded.

This person or whatever the thing is came closer and closer until he's only a foot away from my face. I could smell blood from his breath. I'm scared. Is he going to bite me? Turn me into a vampire? Am I going to turn into a monster like him?

He slowly moved closer and whispered into my ears "I won't hurt you. I promise. I would never dream of hurting a beautiful girl like you."

"So, are you going to bite me?" I asked shaking.

"No! I don't need your blood cuz I already had enough. But if I need any, will you give me some?" Marcus asked forming grin on his face.

"Never! Never in a million years!" I yelled running away from him.

Why would he want my blood? If a vampire bites you, you turn into a vampire right? What a scary world I'm living in.

When I reach my house I went to every room and locked every door I could find. I ran up to my room and locked it as well. I heard a knock on my window and I quickly ran to see who it was. No one was on sight. Then suddenly there was a face in front me.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed. I quickly opened the window, hit the face, then close it and locked it.

"Ow! What was that for?" The voice said. I recognized that voice. It was my best friend, Adam.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! But you know you shouldn't have done that right? Sneaking up in me is not a very good choice. You've could've died falling out of that tree." I said pulling him inside helping him with his bleeding nose.

Yes, I have a tree out my window so just in case if there's a robber or kidnapper I could climb down the tree and run to Adam's house for safety. His house is only 4 houses down from mine. I could get there in 30 seconds. I'm faster and smarter than most kids but I still play dumb to fit in with the crowd.

"Why were you running towards your house so fast? It's like you've seen a ghost." He asked when we finished cleaning the blood.

"Oh... It's nothing. Just needed to get home really quickly so I can watch my favorite movie." I lied. I'm a terrible liar. I tried lying so many times but Adam keeps figuring it out.

"Really? To watch your favorite T.V show? Are you still going to lie to me about your fantasy or tell me the reality?" He asked knowing that I couldn't lie to him.

"Reality. I...... I saw a vampire" I said quietly.

"You what?!" Adam said while doubling in laughter.

"I saw a vampire!" I yelled.

"Lily, vampires don't exist and you know that." Adam said after calming himself down from laughing so hard.

"Oh yeah?" I said in a challenging voice.

"Yeah!" He yelled back.

"Ok, so how about tomorrow you come with me in to the forest and we'll see whose right." I betted. (A/N Is that even a word?)

"Kay. I'll bet 20 bucks there isn't a vampire." Adam said with a smirk on his face.

The bet was on and I'm not going to lose. As much as I don't want to see that monster again, I'm willing to do it this once because I could get 20 bucks.


We were on our way to the forest where I first saw Marcus The Vampire. It was like freezing outside. I think about 34 degrees. I didn't bring a jacket because yesterday was really hot so I thought today is too.

"Hey, if you chicken out now you could turn and run home." Adam said when he saw me shaking from nervousness and the cold.

"Shut your mouth Adam! You're just shaking like I am too." I said hitting him on the arm.

"Yeah, well it's because of the excitement. I can't wait to get 20 bucks" he said smiling like he just met his celebrity crush. He wouldn't tell who it is but I have a feeling it's either Taylor, Carly, or Selena.

We arrived at the forest and started looking for the vampire. "Are you sure that you saw a vampire? Because if this is one of your terrifying pranks then I'm going home." Adam said after we looked everywhere for the vampire. Worriness (IDK how to spell it) was written all over his face.

"No! It's not a prank I promised! I saw the vampire right here drinking the girl's blood." I said pointing to the ground near the lake.

"Well, I don't see any vampires so I'm going back home to sleep. You coming with me?" Adam said walking back to to the road to his house.

"Nah. I'll stay here for little while longer. You go on ahead." I said waving bye.

"Ok but if you ever need me, you know the drill. Scream my name and I'll be there to help." Adam said waving bye back.

"Ok bye Adam." I said


Hi! How do you like it so far? Good? Acceptable? Bad? Terrible? Advise?

I know I keep asking for advise but I really do need some. A girl that is in elementary school needs lots of advise for writing. (That girl is me ;)

I have only two reasons to be here writing.

Reason one: I just wanna share my horrible thinking to other people around the world

Reason two: To get advise from people around the world and help my writing improve.

So comment! Vote?! ( I don't really care about the vote though) And Fan!

( I have no idea what so ever about the fan stuff. Anybody kind enough to take time and explain it to me?)

Bye!!! See ya soon!!! 💜

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