Chapter Eleven: The Dark World

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"Wake up!" "God damn it! Why won't she wake up?" "It's your entire fault! If you hadn't pulled her in that hole so quickly, she wouldn't be in this state." Who's that? What state am I in? What happened to me? "Wait I hear her thinking! She fine... she's just thinking things through..."

I opened my eyes to total darkness. Damn it! Where's the stupid light switch? I thought. "What's a light switch? Do we have any of that?" I heard a voice whispered. "I think it's a switch to turn on or off light. Pretty powerful, I heard." He's reading my mind again isn't he... "Yes princess, I am." I sighed. Didn't I tell you to not do that again? "I'm sorry. I will try not to." I form my hands into a fist. "Stop the mind reading will you?! You creeps!" I yelled into the darkness. Lily? Lily, where are you? Answer me! "Who was that?"

"Who was what, princess?"

"Uhh... no one!" Then silence... "Anyways how do you read minds?"

"It's simple actually. You just concentrate really hard about the person you want to read minds with. And there you go. You'll be reading minds instantly." The voice explains. "Ok thanks!" I replied. "And don't read my mind anymore. It really creeps me out." I added. "Yes m'am." And with that said the voice left me in peace. When I couldn't sense any presence of living things, I started trying to read minds. Bzzz... Bzzz... Lil--- Bzzz

Dang it's harder than said. I tried again and again. I was gradually getting better and better but still not perfect. I could still hear little static noises.

(L) Marcus? Marcus, are you still there?

(M) Lily? Where are you?

(L) I don't know, it's dark in here. Help! I'm freaking out right now!

(M) Just calm down ok? Everything will be alright. Just keep in contact with me and I will be there always.

(L) Ok.

And that was that. I waited and waited. In the dark. I sighed. Minutes turned into hours and still there was nothing.



In the dark...

*knock knock*

"Princess? I have some food and drinks for you." A high pitched voice called out. Definitely belongs to a girl. "Umm thanks? But I didn't ask for anything." I said confused. Silence... "I know... I just thought that maybe you were, ya know hungry?" "Well... I am a little hungry but I can't see anything so--" "oh you can't see? That's strange... do you know how to use your dark eyes?" "What's a dark eye?" "You don't know? It's part of an eye that adjusts to the dark using bloodshot vision. Every demon know how to use it. Here let me teach you." Bloodshot vision... dang that sound scary. "First where the heck are you? And second, I can't see a single damn thing." I walked around with no clue in the world. "Ow!" I ran into a stupid wall. Stupid me. "Princess! Are you okay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder. Wow they're cold. "I'm fine. Are you freezing or something?" I asked. "Phew! Come on. Sit down for a minute." She said guiding me to a chair. "Thanks. Now let get down to business. How do you do this eye thing?" We spend like what seems forever to learn this dark eye thing. Some 30 minutes later I finally gotten it perfect and I could finally see! Before I felt like I was blind. "Yay! You've finally be able to perfect it." I smiled happily but then heard a faint knock on the door. "Who is it?" I demand to know. "It's me, Michael. There is someone who wishes to have a word with you." Michael answers and pulls me gently towards the doors. Ugh... light! Too bright! My eyes adjust slowly and I could see a man walking towards me with a big smile. I was beyond confused. Who is that guy?

"You must be Lily, am I right?" he asks as he stick out a hand for me to shake. I simply nodded, not knowing what else to do. "You're probably very confused right now aren't you? I'm your father. King Charles. And I assume that you know that you're a demon? You are the princess of this country." He started to explain all this stuff but I just sat there, still as confused as before maybe even more. "Now please don't freak out or scream and yell but I need you to take the throne soon. I am about to step down and I need you to take over." He said. "How soon?" I asked. He stared at me in surprised. "Well that was kind of unexpected. I thought it would've been along these lines 'What?! I can't be taking the throne! I'm only 13! But since you asked its going to be in 7 months in human time." He said smiling probably thinking that I have accepted. "Ok let's back it up a second...... A) I'm 15 B) I didn't accept the throne yet and C) I'm not going to stay here a second longer." I pushed past the King, my "father" and the guards and walked right out the door.

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