<21> Blue in the face

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We are all sitting at the big dinning table with I don't know how many people. There is a Blonde woman, her husband and kids. A redhead, her husband and their two kids. Lastly a woman with black hair, her husband and their kids. Plus the Black family which includes Red's brother Robin, his wife and kids. So many people.

"You okay?" Tuesday whispers in my ear.

"I don't know how I will remember all of them." I say nervously. 'And most are wolves.' My wolf huffs. I know, but they seem close.

"Don't worry, you have me for that." She kisses my cheek softly.

"Thank you." I whisper in her ear lovingly.

It seemed like everyone was catching up and talking about what they've been doing. 'Is this what family is like?' My wolf asks. Yes and I can't wait.

One of the pack members runs through the door to the alpha and whispers something in her ear. "What is it Red?" Wolf asks concerned.

"It seems the Trailwood pack is here." She says confused. 'Pack.' My wolf seemed overjoyed.

"Sorry, that's my former pack." I say getting up to go and greet them.

Forest, Chrysanthe, Ramsey and Mike were all there. I hug them all happily. "It's good to see you Blue." Chrysie smiles at me.

"You too. I would like you to meet my mate and my new pack." I say as I look at the table. "At the head is the alpha and her husband Wolf. Then there is Wolf Jr and his wife Juno, then Royal, Rose and Hunter. Lastly is my mate with the bright red hair, Tuesday." I start. "Pack this is alpha Forest and his wife Chrysie and beta Mike and his mate Ramsey." I introduce everyone.

"It's nice to meet all of you." Red nods. "Next time please call." She advises Forest.

We all had a good time before the mating ceremony. We talked and caught up on everything that has happened.

"Tomorrow morning will be the ceremony and we will have a new pack member and a new son." Red announced making everyone cheer.

"So where do I sleep tonight?" I ask my mate.

"In my brothers room." She giggled before kissing my lips softly. "Goodnight." She left with Rose to her room.

"Guess the three of us are bunking tonight?" Hunter looks at me and Royal.

"Seems so." Royal shrugs.

"Well lets head to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day." I smile at the thought. I can't believe I'm finally going to marry my mate.

Hey, I know recently I haven't been posting as much because I've been busy with school. So I hope you liked this chapter and everything that happened.

I know all of you are waiting for the amazing wedding night. It's going to happen soon don't worry.

Comment, ask me questions and tell me your thoughts.

Vote for kinky wedding nights.

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