<7> i'm Blue (da ba dee da ba die)

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Around 2 in the morning is when we closed. I come up to Red who is passed out on the table. She looks so beautiful and at peace that I didn't want to wake her. 'Our mate.' My wolf sighs. I swear you enjoy saying it too much, but I can't blame you.

"So what is your plan with her?" Mare asks as we look down at the sleeping red head.

"I'm gonna take her home." I say with a smile. 'She is our home.' My wolf insists. I know.

I grab her stuff first putting her back pack on and the duffel bag on my arm. I pick her up as carefully as I can in the bridal position. I carefully carry her two blocks to my apartment complex. I carry her up on flight of stairs then I stop at the door. Well how the fùck am I going to do this? I sigh and try to reposition her to no avail.

"Need some help?" I hear Jessie ask. Oh, I forgot he lived here too. I nod silently not wanting to wake her up. He takes my keys from my pocket and opens the door.

"Thank you." I whisper as he hands me the keys and continues to walk up the stairs. I shut the door quietly behind me before heading to my bedroom.

I lay her down as softly as I could. I put her bags on the ground trying not to make a noise. 'She's so beautiful when she sleeps.' My wolf sighs. She's beautiful all the time.

I go to the bathroom and get undressed and put on a pair of pajama pants. I head back to my room and get on the bed trying not to wake her as I snuggle close to her. "Goodnight my mate." I whisper before falling asleep with her in my arms.


Her red hair made her easy to spot as she ran into the dark forest. I followed her, hunting her like my prey.

Her dress was white and free just like her. Her green eyes were bright. She was like poison ivy from bat man and robin, but ten times hotter.

Her giggles echoed throughout the forest as I chased her. The deeper I went in the farther she got away from me. "Come back Red?" I yelled out playfully.

"Then it's no fun." She yells back playfully. I venture on further to see her standing in front of a big black tree.

"Red?" I ask looking at her back as she just stares up at the tree.

"He's coming." She whispers.

I walk closer to her nervously. "Who's coming?" I ask concerned.

She turns to stare up at me. "The Big Bad Wolf." She saws as a loud dark growl echoes throughout the forest. And everything went black.

Short chapter for today sorry. I was struggling with writer's block during this time. It was also because I finally finished Vet and Wolf and I sad about it. Plus I'm back in school and will be super busy. Senior year is going to be so much fun.

And the title goes with the song, it's because he's so Blue. And I'm a total dork.

Please comment, complain, criticize, question me or whatever you want to say. Just tell me what's on your mind, how you are, literally anything. I just want to hear from you.

And don't forget to vote, or do whatever you do. Cause that's just what you do.

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