<15> feeling Blue

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I didn't know where to go or what I was going to do, all I knew is that I was very angry. How could she not tell me that?

I changed into my jeans and shirt in my truck since I was so mad. She's the daughter of the alpha, and not just any alpha, but the Black Forest pack. I groan as I drive to Mauveine. I need a drink.

Once I open the door I see a man in there he smelt strange like an alpha. His hair was platinum blonde almost white, he looked to be in his mid twenties and his eyes were bright amber. 'He smells familiar.' My wolf comments.

"Who are you?" I ask not in the mood for wolf shìt.

"Just a passing stranger." His deep voice had power in it. He sipped his drink calmly.

"That's not an answer." I growl angry he's in my territory.

"I am here to make agreements with others as to ensure my families safety." He tells me since my co-workers are around.

"I'm Blue, Forest was my family." I tell him and he nods.

"Forest is a very nice man and that wife of his is something else for sure. I'm Gaven." He tells me.

"What's your family?" I ask curiously as I sit next to him.

"Cross Creek it's the town after Black Forest." He explains.

"Well this is mine." I say as I look down at the bar. All alone.

"What about your girl?" He looks at me and I knew I had her scent on me.

"She's probably gone back home." I say angrily. Why would she stay? It's not like she belongs with a weak mate like me.

"You are her home. If she's yours prove it to her and everyone else." He finished his drink. "Good luck Blue." And like that he was gone. Someday I'll see him again. I smirk at the thought.

"Blue?" I hear a familiar voice. I turn to see Stan. Cràp. "I've been texting you, where have you been?" He asks sitting down next to me.

"I quit." I tell him as Lana hands me a beer.

"Why?" He asks confused.

"Because I found someone." I tell him as I drink my beer. 'Get her back.' My wolf growls at me. I just ignore him.

"And where are they?" He asks looking around.

"Gone." I say simply.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Stan looks me in the eyes.

I look down at my beer unsure. "I don't know."

"The Blue I knew would never give up." He tells me.

"But you don't really know me." I tell him.

"I know you more than you think." He stands up. "Do what you do best. Goodbye Blue." And with that he walked out. It was as if that part of my life was over opening a new door to her. What should we do? I ask myself. 'I know.' My wolf says. What should we do?

Sup this chapter was short I know but my favorite character appeared. Gaven, he's going to be in the next book with his girlfriend Cassidy. Yeah and he's a very interesting character.

Tell me what you think, I really want to hear from all yeah. What are your thoughts, if you're mad at me or any questions. And what is Blue going to do?

Vote for the hope of a fifth book.

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