<1> Run Red Run!

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I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out of there while I still could.


"Some day you are going to become alpha and you will have to be responsible for the whole pack. You understand Tues?" My mom asks, no more like tells me this.

"But non of my siblings had to go through this?" I complain. Me being the youngest of five gives me the privilege to be next in line for alpha.

"Well they aren't like you. You are going to be the next alpha and that's it young lady." My mom snaps. She closes the door behind her and that's when I started to pack.


That's what brought me here on the side of the road walking and hoping to reach a town soon.

I know that all of you are thinking that I'm just being a brat by running away, but I'm 18 years old and I think I can make my own decisions. All my siblings did, so why can't I?

I watch as another car drive's by not even giving me a second glance. I feel the breeze that the car created which stirs up the dusk.

You would think with bright red hair I would be easy to spot, but no. Every car just passes by. I swear human's are àssholes.

I have my back pack and duffel bag. The duffel bag contains all my clothes while my back pack has more of survival stuff and my favorite stuffed animal in it. Ray the white wolf. So what if I brought a stuffed animal with me, it makes me feel better.

I finally come upon a sign after what seems like miles. I look at the green sign that has info about how far three different towns on it.

| Up Coming Towns |
| Pine Creek 12 mi. |
| Trailwood 60 mi. |
| Creekwood 150 mi. |

I swear where I live every place has to deal with plants. I'm from Black Forest, not kidding that is the name of my home town.

I look at the sign. Well I guess it's off to Pine Creek. The sun is being to set and I need to get to a hotel before dark, since that's when the pack is the best at tracking.

I start to walk faster so that I can get there before night. A couple cars past me again but finally a big rig comes up and stops for me. The door opens revealing a bigger more masculine woman.

"Hello sweetie are you here all alone?" She asks me.

"Yes ma'am." I answer knowing that manners is good in this moment.

"Want a ride?" She asks with a big smile. Oh thank goodness.

"Yes please." I say as I step up into the big rig. I close the heavy door behind me with no trouble. That's the thing about being a werewolf, you get to stronger than you look.

"Where are you heading to?" She asks me and I can hear her country accent better.

"I was heading to Pine Creek." I say with a kind smile. She is wearing a red flannel with a black plaid design on it. She blonde hair in short an asymmetric haircut.

"That's where I'm heading too. Good thing I for yeah darling." She gives off a booming chuckle that makes me feel warm and safe. She's like a lesbian aunt I never had.

"Yeah, me too. I'm..." I bite my lip and think about it for a second. I don't want anyone to know my real name, so best to do is come up with one.

"What?" She asks as she gets back on the road.

"Red!" I blurt out. Oh great, I used my mom's name. Ugh, I'm such an idiot.

"Just like your hair. You were named well. I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jen. So what's your story Red? Abusive boyfriend? A fresh start? Or a professional hitchhiker?" She asks kindly.

I laugh at her funny suggestion's, besides the first one because that's not funny. Should I lie or tell the truth? "I ran away to start a new life." I tell her. It's not a lie, I'm just not specific.

"Ah, I see. You are an independent young woman and you have your whole life ahead of you so follow your dreams." She tells me as we pass another sign that makes me happy.

| Welcome to |
| Pine Creek |

I made it this far at least. I smile as she parks the big rig in a parking lot made for them. "Would you like to get a drink with me?" She asks and I can tell she just wants company.

"I would love to." I smile at her. Well here is to my new life full of fun and adventures. I just hope it will last before I have to go back.


Hey so that was just the beginning of what is to come. This chapter is more to establish what the story is going to be about and who the characters are. The chapters will not always be the same length, it just determines on where I feel like ending that chapter.

If you got the title, the ironic part is the story before this I had a character named Forest.

Please comment and tell me what you think, if you have any questions or suggestions. I'm ready to hear from you.

And don't forget to vote please. :)

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