Chapter 23 - Enslavement

Start from the beginning

He fell out the window, I tried to grab him but I couldn't reach! I saw him splash into the water.

I saw his arms and legs squirm under the current, and get swept away. Of course I screamed. I screamed his name over and over and over again but he didn't come up again. It took over a minute of crying for me to stop. I think I'm broken now. I haven't spoken in, what? Three days? Ten? I haven't eaten or slept much either. All I've done is write. About what happened. His face, his eyes that haunt me. It... helps. I think it helps.

I wish I could say that I believe that he's in a better place. But I don't want him to be there. I want him here. I need him here. I need him to let me know that I can do this. That I can face him, even if I'm alone while I do it. Because I am now. I'm all alone in this.

The river below me haunts my dreams as it always has. My only companion who surrounds me and traps me in this goddamn tower, the keeper of every person who I ever loved in the world. I'm envious of it. Of its freedom, of its power and what it keeps against me. Taunting me.

That river took my mother. Now it's got Ryan. And one day, I know that it'll take me. I'm not going to resist it. Because I know that it'll take me to them, to a place where I can be happy. Because it sure as hell isn't going to happen while I'm still breathing.


Now if you're reading this, you're either one of two people. The first is a wonderful person who's managed to go through every inch of this story with me, who's enjoyed it and thought 'damn, that was fun' at the end. Or you're another who only went through this as a chore more than anything else.

Whoever you are, I want to thank you. And this is what this is. Just as this very sad ending concludes, I wanted to have a heart to heart with you. Reading this in the future :)

So. You might be asking, what now? That's a damn fine cliffhanger, but are you going to carry it on, SilverGalaxySkies? Oh... That wasn't you? Well who was it then? Come on, don't be shy.

Well whoever did say that is asking a very good question as, in all honesty, I had a lot of plans for this. But in recent times I've thought about finishing it off once and for all with an awe inspiring ending to end all endings. However, when you plan around 50 extra parts to be added to the 20 you already have then you know deep down that nobody is even going to look twice at it.

I hate to be a party pooper, but if I somehow found and put on my writing hat and was given the energy to actually carry on with this then maybe I could continue forward. I don't have a writing hat. And if I did, it would probably be a fez. Because fezzes are cool.

I have already started part 2, which remains unnamed, but I would like someone to just tell me yay or nay in terms of continuing with this EPIC ADVENTURE! Which isn't really that epic. Or even an adventure. Damn. Although if you want to let me know whether you have some artwork you want me to feature or something then just PM me. 'Cos I'm just so darn popular.


Now you might be asking: how long will this take, SilverGalaxySkies? And what kind of name is SilverGalaxySkies, anyway? To which I would answer; that's two questions, cheater! But I would say that I have no idea how long this will take me.

I have stuff to do, yaknow?  People to see, cats to stroke, traffic to yell at. As for my name, it's just a username dummy... And besides, my real name is on the cover if you're bothered to read it.

^ So meeehhh to you. Or her. Or him. Whoever asked that, gets a middle finger and that explaination ^

Okay. Well my offer still stands - you want critical reviews on your story come PM me. I don't do fanfiction or anything which includes sexy times. It's just too... weird. So, yeah.

Thanks for reading.

Yes, you! I would like to thank you, personally from the top, bottom and middle of my heart. And if I could I would dedicate you all to this entire story to which I wouldn't even have a first part for. Let alone a second. If you want a second.

I shall stop with this rambling now and wish you to have fun with your day. Even though I've more or less shattered anything happy about it today with these two being torn apart before things can really go down :] But have a good one anyway on me!

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