"Thomas....T-Tommy, listen to me." He gently shook the boy's face, gritting as the motion jarred his tensed muscles, his eyes catching movement from the car as one of the occupants came closer to the pair with a set of blankets.

The girl, barely a teenager, was staring at them with thin black lines running down her face, the tears dropping without end. "W-we called the ambulance, but they're struggling to get here through the snow... it might take a few hours. I-I'm so sorry." She sobbed while securing the blanket over the two lovers.

David managed a slight nod, tapping Thomas' cheek again. The man didn't care much about his own life but the thought of a world without the slender and angelic Thomas in it....

"Tommy, focus on my voice... There you go love." David grimaced at the pain but fought to keep it off of his face while Thomas slowly came to, blinking rapidly as his body was assaulted with pain.

"Talk to me love. Stay awake." Thomas blinked tiredly and David growled, grabbing his chin and drawing the boy's face closer, being careful not to hurt him even more.

His heart throbbed painfully as his legs slowly grew numb, every time he swallowed the metallic taste in his mouth grew stronger. But despite all of that and the guilt growing in his chest, David needed to be selfish in this situation.

"Hey, love, promise me that you stay awake." When Thomas didn't react immediately, David nipped at the boy's lip, before placing a tender kiss on them, whispering, "Promise that you'll live for me."

Thomas shook slightly as he tried to understand what David was going on about but David simply repeated his demand over and over until his lover nodded once.

"Swear it!"

Tears threatened to come to the surface but David forced them back, only to release them in a torn sob as Thomas whispered back, "I'll live for you David. I swear it."

As they all waited for the paramedics to arrive, David urged Thomas to stay awake and keep talking to him. Almost three hours had passed before they heard sirens heading their way. Two of the teenagers in the crash rushed to the street to flag the ambulance down while Thomas let out a breathless laugh.

"They made it... they're finally here."

David nodded, biting his lip to keep himself from saying the truth. The paramedics rushing towards them were most likely too late to save him; he could feel the blood cooling in his pants, unable to feel his legs while his heart was throbbing painfully.

Before the paramedics got to them, David smiled at Thomas and gave him a tender kiss. "Remember your promise, Tommy, live for me. You'll make it through." His love nodded reassuringly, not understanding why David was being so persistent on it before he replied.

"You too David, promise me as well."

The paramedics rushed in and David was glad they interrupted so he didn't need to reply with a lie. Thomas' eyes widened slightly, a hint of panic appearing in his eyes as they both got an oxygen mask while they were questioned and told of the handling of the paramedics.

As Thomas was distracted with the woman questioning him, David spotted the firemen arriving with the gear needed to pry the car of the due. Leaning closer to the paramedic that was examining him, David answered the man's question before he sighed heavily.

"Is there anyone I can call sir?"

David thought about it for a moment before nodding, "Call my mom, she'll inform the rest of the family." When the man nodded and went to get up and inform his coworker, David managed to grab his coat.

Eyes flitting to his lover, David swallowed heavily before looking back at the man that was staring at him questioningly. "I know what's going to happen, the crush syndrome, everything. Please, don't let Thomas watch me die. Get him into the ambulance first but don't let him see it."

The paramedic was shocked but he couldn't deny what was going to happen either. He knew as well that David's condition was deteriorating quickly and there was a high chance he would get into cardiac arrest as soon as the pressure of the car fell away.

With a solemn nod, the man gave his word to follow David's last will. He didn't know if the tall man was going to die tonight but he was going to make sure that the younger boy didn't need to see it, if it happened.

Relief flooded David's body and his eyes settled back on Thomas, drinking the boy in while the paramedics and firemen worked as fast as they could to free the pair. His eyes never strayed from Thomas and Thomas' eyes didn't even move as they were focused on David's form.

They kept their free hands intertwined, love and desperation shining out both their eyes. By the time they were almost freed, they were both crying but for completely different reasons.

Thomas' tears were out of relief, knowing they were finally free and on the way to the hospital but David's tears were bitter and cold, as he feared he might never see his lover again.

Not in this life.

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