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The time before I even started the academy, back in the days when I barely knew anyone, Me, Asuma and Kurenai-senseis passed by a shop that custom-made those little crystal trinkets. We were coming back from our training and I hadn't even attended one class of the academy.
Well, I wanted one of those beautiful crystals, but because I had already took so much time off and we were actually two days late, we just didn't make the time to order and wait for the item, so for the time being we left.

I eventually forgot about it, but I guess Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei didn't.

I love them so much.

"Take care of yourself," Sakura said, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, "You better come back," she threatened as she pulled away and waved goodbye.

Ayumi seemed to know where I was headed. She didn't say much, she gave a sweet smile, a short nod before went out.

Each of them bid their farewells to me and then left.

After I couldn't sense their chakra no more. I moved on to the next step, finding Sasuke.

To do that I had to indulge in some small, sweet, friendly talk with the group from which I over heard the news.

The topic wasn't hard at all to bring up since all of them were infuriated by the Uchiha's actions- kidnapping a Jinchūriki.

Some Jinchūriki, he can't even win against a group of teens. It's just sad.

The land of lightning was the last they heard of them both and neither at that point could be located, they informed.

Thanking them for no real reason they'd be interested in, I got out my seat and headed outside. I scanned the brightly lit place for a clock, but there was none.

I had one problem, I wasn't a tracker ninja, so I had no idea where to start or even if I would be able to locate him in time- before he moved to somewhere else. Azura was literally nowhere to be found. I didn't even know where her meadows were located, to go looking for her.

Where are you Azura. I let out a heavy sigh. I was worried for her, I hadn't seen her lately and she didn't even appear when I needed her.

As I passed through the door, I felt a little fury thing brush against my ankle. I jerked back thinking it was a rat, but the little thing came into the light- pouring out of the openings of the door and windows, it was my little Azura.

"You are never leaving my sight again," picking her up underneath her front legs, "Do you understand." I scolded, placing her comfortably in my arms.

I didn't wait for her excuse, but seeing her cute sad pouty face, I immediately felt bad and cradled her close to me.

I had to figure out a place to keep her, somewhere where she could always be in view. I couldn't just keep holding her in my arms- I needed those limbs just incase of an attack or something.

My new attire didn't even have any pockets. It was a simple sleeveless jacket, lifted collars and the jacket was buckled at my hip, allowing most of the material to hang over it. Bandages were wrapped around my chest like always, but this time I didn't realy wear any of the shirts- sure I felt a little exposed, maybe alot, but it really didn't bother me.

As usual I wore shorts. One arm had a black glove that reached to my elbow and ended half-way of my middle finger. My other arm had a small pouch strapped to it, as did my waist. My daggers hung from the strapes of my waist.

I decided I would place Azura between my jacket and my tummy. That way I knew where she was at all times and there would be no way for her to disappear.

Now Azura can help me find Sasuke.

I was about to dash off to the Lightening Country when I was tugged back by my arm. Knowing exactly who it was- even in the darkness of the night, I didn't respond.

The figure pulled me into the alley way where- I guessed it was his strength, that pushed me, actually slamming against the wall.

"Ugh~" I groaned, massaging my back as much as I could reach, "What do you want!?" I grunted, purely disgusted.

"You may be able to fool your friends, but I know you're going to see that fugitive boyfriend of yours." He snapped, picking me up roughly by an arm.

My eyes narrowed, lips pouted and brows knitted together. What the hecky is he talking about!?

"Look at you," I snatched my arm away, "Waiting for your Sakura to leave, so she wouldn't see your true colors." I retorted.

"You think you're real smart. "

"I don't need to think, I am."

He rolled his eyes as his hands clenched into a fist, he turned his head away for a moment then came back to glare at me, "That's why you act dumb and are completely useless when you're friends around. "

"What are you talking about!?" I shouted, my hands fisted, "if anyone is dumb and completely useless it's you!" I spat, folding my arms against my chest.

"I've seen you when you're serious and they way you are when you're with your friends . Which proves you are the one that killed my brother."

"You're a freaking idiot, if you believe that,"I retaliated, hating the way he always blamed me for Hisoka's death.

"I've been observing you," he continued with a stern voice.


"You wait on your friends to protect you. You let them stress upon things because you are so cocky you know they won't let anything happen to you."

"How dare you say that!" My eyes widened and lips began to tremble. My voice was shaken.

"You're a monster," he snarled, a disgusted look on his face.

"Shut-" I was about to snap when he cut in.

"Just admit it. You let my brother die," he shrugged, speaking like what he just said didn't make a difference to me, so why bother.

A short silence filled the air, his eyes narrowed in anger, he bit his lips and head hung. He shook his head once before barking at me, "He protected you because you were a useless little b**** who couldn't watch her own back. It's your fault he's dead!"

"If I had a choice," I muttered out, and paused momentarily, "I wouldn't have let anything happen to him. You don't know how much I cared about him, to judge me."

"Clearly not enough, " he scoffed.

"What do you mean!? You don't get it! I was so distraught I killed his murders. I killed them!" I yelled at him.

"Convenient." He commented, raising a brows, then looking away.

"You'll never understand." I began trodding off, only to get grabbed again at my arm.

Jerking my head back to him.

"Explain it to me then," his voice rasped, he gritted his teeth as tears streamed from his eyes. His head was lowered, but I could tell he was crying as tears fell on my arm.

My eyes widened slightly and only for a second before they set to a more sympathetic look, lowering upon him, brows furrowed.

He really wants to know.


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