When I slowly slide my hand up his firm chest I pause for a moment to feel his heart beat. I notice that it is racing just like mine. As I continue my exploration I encounter the light stubble of his beard which reminds me he hasn't shaved yet today. When my fingers finally reach his hair they wildly begin running through it, causing him to moan. I smile to myself. I can't believe I can do this to him.

The knock on the bus door startles us. We reluctantly end our kiss and take a second to look into each other's eyes there is so much love there. Hunter then kisses my forehead softly. "We can continue this later." He whispers.

I blush and shake my head. "It's a date."

He laughs as he stands up to answer the door. "Well, it's about time." Matt exclaims. "Hope I wasn't interrupting anything?"

"Nothing we can't pick up later." Hunter says with a smirk. "What's up?"

"Well the guys and I wanted to know what time sound check is going to be. We each texted you like 20 times, but you didn't reply. So I was elected to come and disturb you love birds."

"Oh man. I'm sorry. Harper is taking a nap so I shut my ringer off. We need to do sound check after Coffee House, today. Betsy scheduled a radio station "call in" interview before it."

"No problem. I'll let everyone know." He says as he turns to leave. "Oh and Hunter you better fix your hair before Coffee House. It looks like someone has been running their fingers through it. It's a bit messy." He jokes as he steps off the bus.

I'm so embarrassed I cover my face with a pillow. Hunter laughs at me. "It's okay. It's not like I didn't walked in on him and Stephanie when they were first dating. Stuff like this happens when you are living in such close quarters."

"Maybe to you, but not to me! I've never been this brazen before. I've always been the prudish kind of girl, then I met you and I lost all my self control."

Hunter leans over and kisses my lips and I instantly start to melt. "Stop, see what you do to me." I playfully push him away and he just smirks. "You are enjoying this aren't you?"

"Yup, I love that I can make you loose control."

"Well you do it all the time. All you have to do is smile at me with that boyish grin of yours and my insides turn to jelly. And when you draw little circles on my back, like you are now, yay, it drives me insane."

"Oh really? I need to remember that." He winks.

"NO! You don't. You need to behave yourself. Take pity on me. I've never felt this way about anyone before and I have certainly NEVER experienced the type of chemistry that I have with you."

He reaches over and holds my hand. "I feel the exact same way. When I see you bite your lower lip, which you do A LOT by the way, all I want to do is stop whatever I'm doing and push you against the nearest wall and kiss you senseless."

I'm shocked. "And when you wear those crop top shirts you like so well and I see even the tiniest bit of your belly, that's it. I'm done. I can't concentrate on anything but you. So take pity on me and NEVER wear one of those tops during one of my concerts, cause Lord knows what I'll do."

"Okay, I won't. I promise." Then I kiss him on the cheek. "But seriously Hun, I love you so much. It scares me sometimes. I knew I adored you before we got together but now that we are a couple my feelings have grown so much stronger. I literally think about you all the time. I miss you even if we are in the same room, if we aren't touching. This is stuff you feel when you're a teenager, not when you are a 28 almost 29 year old woman!" I throw my hands over my face and place my elbows on my knees.

Hunter rubs my back. "Babe, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my life. Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes my feelings are so intense that it scares me, too. For example, the dreams I have been having about us making love for the first time are far from PG 13 rated. I've never had dreams this ardent before, I can assure you."

Just hearing those 2 little words "Making Love" sends me into a panic. I jump up from the couch and start pacing the room.

"What did I do, Babe. I can tell you're upset about something. Please tell me?" He begs.

"It's nothing that you did."

"Then what is it?"

"It's, it's just that uhm, I uhm I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

God he isn't going to make this easy on me!  "I'm scared to make love to you. There I said it. Are you happy?"

He stands up and walks over to me. He gently cradles my face in his hands and softly runs his thumb along my jawline; making it impossible for me to do anything but look him straight in the eyes. "Please tell me what you're afraid of? I promise not to judge."

I know my face is bright red by now. You'd think by my age, talking about stuff like this would be easy, but it isn't. "I'm scared I'm going to disappoint you." I try to look down but I can't because he's still holding my chin, looking at me lovingly.

"Oh baby, what makes you think that?" He asks before wrapping his arms around me.

"Because, I'm old fashioned. I've only had 2 boyfriends. So I don't have a lot of experience."

He steps back and places his forehead on mine. "Well, I'm old fashioned, too. I've never been the type of guy to sleep around. So we are VERY much alike in this area. It's not like I'm "Mr. Worldly", because I'm not."


"Yes, really. I've always had to have strong feelings for someone, before I've wanted to be intimate with them. It just seems wrong to share something so deeply personal with someone you don't really care about."

"That's exactly how I feel!"

 He hugs me tight. "I didn't tell you about my dreams to upset you. There is absolutely no pressure. We can wait as long as you want. I'm not going anywhere. As long as I can hold you and kiss you, I'm a pretty content man."

I release the breath that I wasn't even aware I was holding. "Thank you for understanding and for being so patient with me."

He smiles that killer smile of his. "There's nothing to thank me for. I would never ask you to do something you aren't comfortable with. I love and respect you far too much. When we are both ready it will happen naturally and it will be magical."

"You really think so?" 

"Yes, I do. Don't you?"

"After talking about it and knowing it will mean as much to you as it does me, yay I really do think it will be amazing." I smile and kiss his lips. "By the way. How did we get on this subject?"

"I'm not really sure, but I'm glad we did because I don't want you to be afraid or unhappy about anything. Please promise me, Liddy that you will talk to me about anything. Promise me you won't hold back your feelings."

"I promise." I say as I hug him. "How did I get so lucky that you fell in love with me?"

"No, that's my question. How did I get so lucky that you fell in love with me?"


7 K READS!!!!

Thank you all for reading Huddy's story. When I started it back in May I was hoping for maybe 500 reads and look at it now! Over 7.0 K reads. This makes me so happy!!

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Thanks to all my loyal readers. Without you this would be nothing but words on paper.

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