I stumbled backwards and Ikuto caught me. I looked up at him thankfully and he smirked back. "Uh... What's going on here?" Utau voiced her thought. She came closer and I looked away from Ikuto a bit confused. What!? What happened? Did she see my real hair or something!!?

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at us. "I see a little love going on right here..." I got nervous and glanced over at Ikuto. Utau jumped up. "I knew it!!! You two are dating!!"

She shouted and started doing a little victory dance. My face burned with hot blood as I became embarrassed. "Gah!!! N-no were n-not!!" I shouted in denial. Utau smirked. "Ha! You can't deny it Amu! You two are definitely dating!"

I blushed even more. "B-but..." What else can I say to deceive her!? Ikuto put his arm around me. "Guess the secret is out! Me and nerd girl are dating!" He stated.

Nerd girl!! He couldn't of just used my name!? I instantly looked up at him with a glare, breaking my character. "Nerd girl! You meanie!!" I shouted at him, further shocking everyone into silence.

After realizing what I had said I blushed and looked around. "I-I mean..." Crap!!! Ikuto save me! "She gets defensive about name calling." Ikuto stated, taking his heavy arm off me which I'm willing to admit made me quite sad.

Really that's his excuse? Ugh... "W-we should get to c-class!!" I stutter as I start to walk away. Ikuto grabs the back of my uniform shirt and pulls me back. "Chill sweet cheeks!" Ikuto smirked at me.

Sweet cheeks? He's paying for that! "Awww!!! You guys are adorable!!" Utau coed. Yaya pouted. "How come Kairi-kun never treats Yaya like that!!?" Huh!? Kairi? What does this have to do with.... My eyes shoot open.

"You are dating Kairi!!?" I shout in surprise. The girls become silent and look at me shocked. Oh crap! I broke my character!! I shrink back next to Ikuto and blush. "Ha ha I mean... Know wonder you two always look so cute together." I try and save myself.

Ikuto laughs and puts his arm around me. "Your funny today Amu. Let's go." He started walking, leading me away from them. I walked away with him, thankful to get away.

Once we got in school I let a breath go. "Ugh! Today is starting out chaotic!" I whined to Ikuto. He laughed. "That's because you made it that way. Seriously, you shouted out that Yaya was dating Kairi."

I blushed. "I didn't mean to I was just surprised is all..." I noticed the looks I was getting and felt a bit scared. Everyone was looking at me as if I needed to die or kill myself. I reached out and gripped the hem of Ikuto's jacket sleeve.

He looked down at our hands before looking at me with a smirk. I blushed and looked down at my feet, embarrassed and scared at the same time. Now everyone will know we're dating.

We got to my locker and I put everything away. I took out everything I needed and I was about to shut my locker when someone else did it for me. I looked over to see an angry Saaya. I gulped, I knew this would happen.

"What's going on here!? Amu? Why are you holding hands with Ikuto!?" She glared at me. I really wanted to punch her and tell her that me and Ikuto have feelings for each other but my shy nerdy character wouldn't allow it.

I heaved a small sigh before talking. "Sorry Saaya but it appears that me and Ikuto have started a relationship of sorts. So if you'd excuse me we're going to class now." I said it in my most soft and polite voice I could come up with.

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