Feed up.

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Come here baby." Justin say pulling me to him.

"Wassup?" I say letting his hands roam my body on the floor.

"You tell me bae you seem distracted idk maybe it's just me you know.?" Justin said into my eye.

"I dunno if I should talk about my feelings right now you'll defiantly get pissed off" I say shaking my head.

"Bruhh every time I turn around it's something" Justin snapped at me looking at me.

"What do you expect that's how shit is with you Justin ! Your always here and. There''

"That's my lifestyle why get involved if you can't handle it.?" Justin snapped taking a step back from me I held my drink to my lips sipping it I was three seconds away from throwing it at him.

"You really wanna know what the problem here is?" I say simply.

Justin sighed deeply "just be real you got liquid in you all of a sudden. bitchyy jasmine comes to fucking play with my emotions what's the fucking problem h-"

"YOUR THE FUCKING PROBLEM YOU GIVE NO FUCKS ABOUT ME OR OUR FUCKING CHILD! And that's sad yo" I take my drink and pushed back the chair to get up but Justin blocked my path.

"Like your not fucking prefect man I swear here you go playing fucking victim."

"Like I said i won't say shit again I'm done Justin that's that." I try to move again but he moved in front of me.

"'No your staying your ass here and enjoy our fucking day back like your supposed to because here I am trying with you." Justin snapped at me pulling me back into him sitting me on his lap forcefully.

Me and Justin we're back from Vegas and it was fun while it lasted but again here we go with the agruing back and forward.

I narrowed my eyes and said what I always wanted to say to Justin "I don't want t anymore..." I say simply.

Justin scoffed standing up "I'll be damned if you leave again.." Justin started walking towards me but I quickly turned around walking with my hair flowing as I walked out the door of the dinner Justin had sent up for us.

Walking with confidences down the streets of L.A. With three inch heels I pulled out my iPhone dialing a number I knew by heart.

The phone rung twice then the voice I loved answered. "Jazzy wassup" Alfredo answered.

"Fredo. Hey um look are you at the house?" I asked walking down the sidewall.

"Yeah wassup?"

"I need you to come get me I'm on lakeside dr." I say putting my hand on my hip.

"Yeah yeah.. Wait I thought you were with Justin .. What the hell happened?" Alfredo laughed

"I'll explain in the car." I say quickly. Looking up at the cars pass by.

"Alright stay there I'll be there." Alfredo says before hanging up.

I stayed standing there as my phone buzzed the caption read Jasmine Bieber walks out on romantic dinner with husband.

After I read that I rolled my eyes and sighed. My phone vibrated again I look at my phone seeing its Selena .


"Mommy!" Jaylia squeaked over the phone her giggles heard along with Selena

"Baby love hey" I smiled

"Mommy I miss you and daddy soo much I like sel but I want all of you here." Jaylia says.

I rolled my eyes at Justin's mention by our daughter. "I miss you baby love I'll see you guys soon." I hang up just as Fredo pulled up.

"I'm guessing one of Justin's many appetizers showed up or something mrs.?" Alfredo joked I shook my head I wish a Bitch would come to A Table I'm seated at with Justin and claim they fucked ill end up in jail for attempted murder on her ass and his ass too.

"Nahh we got into a heated argument bout his changing his ways he tried flipping shit on me but I then got up and out the building before I ever let that happen." I shrug. "It's a shame because he enjoyed each other in Vegas." I paused looking down at the marriage ring on my finger what has my life came to.... Damn you bieber!

"So you guys did have a good time"Alfredo added smirking and I nodded

"You know good times don't last long with Justin so.." Alfredo smiled at me but soon his frown dropped when we pulled up to our house Justin was out side looking pissed as he held Jaylia in his arms.

Alfredo and me got out at the same time. "Where THE fuck have you been"Justin snapped at me.

"DADDY YOU SWEAR!" Jaylia says loudly at Justin smacking his arm good baby

"Stop USING Bad language around her Justin!" I snapped walking over to take her from Justin but he snatched her back.

"Don't DAREE TOUCH MY babygirl!" Justin yells getting in my face as I held ahold of jaylias waist pulling her out of Justin's arms.

Alfredo stepped in pulling Jaylia from us both walking away toward the house leaving Justin and I outside to argue.

"Why do you always start shit with me first I decide I wanna take you out to do something NICE for you My Wife but you decide to bring up the past and we start fucking arguing over non sense!" Justin snapped at me

"A week ago Justin that's the past to you?" I asked calmly looking his his dark brown eyes.

"It's not today so yes"Justin snorted "yes it is the past for me we moved past it didn't we?" Justin gazes at me awaiting my answer I don't say a word I shake my head in disbelief. Justin grabs my face in his palms squeezing my face together making me to wince in pain. "Your GONNA FUCKING LEARN NOT TO FUCK WITH ME!" Justin pulled me by my face toward the front door to our house stepping into the library downstairs by the door he pushed me in locking it as well.

Justin then slapped me across the face causing me to fly and land on my ass.

"When The hell will YOUR STUPID ASS LEARN THAT YOUR THE ONLY o-" Justin was cut off by my hand connecting to his face slapping his ass back.

"don't You EVER LAY A HAND ON FUCKING ME!" I snapped turning to walk away from Justin tears pouring down my face I ran up the stairs into our bed room I laid on the bed as soon as I felt the bed I cried hot tears.

I was Beyond feed up

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