I Dont Care

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I Haven't talked to Justin every since that night he left 3 weeks ago to be honest I can't really even say I'm surprised I knew being back with him would be terrible for me and jaylia but hey I'm here trying at least.

Right now I was in the house living room with jaylia in between my legs and she was crawling now and I was happy because that's one step to walking and I was excited at least for her. Ryan happened to also be here since Justin told him to wait here until he got home from the studio.

I had already cooked and made Justin's food on a regular since he comes home eat plays with jaylia and then puts her in the bed but I barely look at him now I can't even sit at the table with him without wanting to hurt him but I retain myself of course.

"She's so cute." Ryan smiles at jaylia holding his arms to see if I'd let him hold her.

I handed her over and he held her she smiled at him putting her baby hand over his mouth slapping him slightly.
"aww" I smiled ryan began talking to her as my phone vibrate.

I look at it to see Justin I go to the door opening it letting him in. Turning around and heading back to the living room I ignore him

"I'm gonna go put her to bed Ry. " I hold my arms out but before he could Justin pulled me back.

"Really jas your putting her to sleep at 3 in the damn after noon and you'll be up all damn night with her." Justin rolled his eyes and I turned without a word and walked up the stairs.

I heard foot steps behind me and I ignored it.

"Jasmine.!!"Justin yelled to get me to stop walking and I did.

I Turned around to look at him. "Justin.." I say no emotion behind my voice.

Justin begans walking so he was in front of me he just looks me over. "Im sorry. "

I nodded nonchalantly "OK" I say in almost a whisper.

Justin frowned "your gonna hold on to this aren't you? "

"What?" I ask looking straight into his eyes.

"Your gonna stay mad at me."he asked.

I shook my head "why would I be mad? "

He gives me a confused look "because of our fights.."

I shrugg "what fights?"

Justin face held an unreadable expression. "Ok your playing that game" He chuckled "you sure you wanna play that with me?"

I shrug "I'm not."

"You know what fuck this and you! I can't deal.." Justin pulls the ends of hiS hair.

I shrugg "Not that you really we're actually dealing with me because you most definitely weren't you are a Jack ass and I can't deal with that not anymore you haven't really played the role of making me happy."

Justin Seemed to flinch at my choice of words. "Really jas? What's the Real issue here and don't give me that Your not happy bullshit you knew what the hell you were doing when you first met me on fucking set of baby video you even went as far as flirting with me so what? Oh So Now I Don't make you happy! Cmon miss me with that shit.."

I Kept quite for a while "yea back Then.... i was inlove with you but NOW i dont know."

"Then why move in with Me I-" Justin started.

"BECAUSE..I knew it'll make You Happy to have US both with you.." I said now tears well up in my eyes.

Justin sighs "Look.. I was wrong when I yelled at you when all you wanted to know where I'd be and if id be OK. But you really went as far as like assuming I'd be with someone else."

"I... I'm insecure I can't help it but just please just don't hate me because I love you " Now I was crying because Justin is just...amazing everything about him and the fact he's stuck with Me and he's never complaining and he puts up with my bitchness I've grown because of jaylia plus the wait I've put on its just really crazy and I don't want to lose him even if at the rate I'm going now I surely will because no man wants a girl who bitches all the damn time. And I know that Justin one day and it may not be now but one day one day Justin will walk out and maybe take jaylia with him and I know that day I will fight for them both.. because I... I can't lose my family no matter what.

Justin's arms hold on to me and he simply holds me there in his arms claimly putting his hands through my hair but his words really calm me. "Baby..No girl will ever be as great and amazing as you nobody can make me feel like how you make me feel because I love you im Not going anywhere I may get mad upset and feel like I just need space but never will I ever walk away from you from my family from us.. you have me right where you want me pusssy whipped like a bitch. " Justin says and I laugh as the end of his choice of words.

I smile "okay I love you." I kiss Justin softly and then he whipped the tears away.

"I look a mess right?" I ask Justin shrugged

"I don't care " he kisses me "your still beautiful. "

I smile "liar" I push him back onto the coach in the upstairs living room I climb ontop of his lap sitting down putting my against his chest I closed my eyes when Justin's arms wrapped around waist and I soon felt my insecurities disappear.

"Justin. "I say his name and I feel his heart accurate.

"Hmm?" He just hmms and I smile to myself looking up at the Cullen.

"No matter what.." I paused "I'll always love you.." I say and I don't seem so sure of myself when I say it but I say it to reassure Justin I'll never leave which I will if I have to because unconditional love doesn't exist.

Justin's heart picks up "I love you too.."Justin kisses my cheek "more then anything in the world." I smile because I know I don't believe a damned thing he says but here I am trying reassuring myself because I don't care.

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