Chapter 5-New

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(Danny's POV)
Why does the world hate me? I never wanted any of this to happen. I never wanted to drag Jazz through all of this. She shouldnt be here, but back with Maddie and Jack where she belongs. With her real family. They still love her. They still thinks shes their child. Not me. No, Im just a freak. Ectoplasmic scum. I will forever be nothing to them but someone to torture and kill for their own sick version as fun. How could I ever love parents as cold hearted as them?

Little badger, I hate seeing you like this. You should have never had this kind of life. No one should, Vlad mumbled softly and I look up slightly to find him looking down at me with sad, pain filled eyes as he came over and sat in the chair off to the right of the bed I was currently laying on.

Its not your fault, I assured him blandly, feeling completely empty at the moment.

How are you feeling, little badger? He asked kindly and I sighed in return.

Like I had a hundred knives plunged into my back and chest, I exaggerated, sarcasm hinted in my tone making Vlad smile slightly before the expression faded into a more serious one.

Are you going to tell Mr. Lancer the truth or are you going to find a way to cover up what he saw?

Its been a year, Vlad. Im tired of always lying, especially to him.

When do you want to go back to school? I mean, if you want to still go to school, I could move to Amity Park so that you and Jazz could live with me and still go to school with your friends, he proposed and I noticed he sounded quite confident in this plan.

You sound like youve had this planned out for quite a while, not a spur of the moment idea, I commented, causing Vlad to smile softly. You sure youve never planned on this happening?

No, his amused smile turned into a sad one as he stared at the floor, no, I honestly never could imagine Maddie and Jack doing something like that to their own children. His smile disappeared as my own did as well, the mood instantly turning dark as he both thought to how much of a monster Maddie and Jack were after doing what they did.

Suddenly, a sound filled the rather silent and still air and I couldnt help but flinch slightly as Vlad stood to his feet.

That would be Mr. Lancer. Do you need help getting downstairs Daniel? Vlad asked gently and I nodded as I sat up slowly, moving the blankets aside while moving to dangle my feet over the side of the bed.

Standing to my feet, I couldnt help but sway a bit before Vlad came to my side and held onto my shoulders to keep me standing upright. Without a word to one another, we slowly yet efficiently made our way out of the room I was put in and through the halls to the first level of the house where we found Jazz handing Mr. Lancer a cup of what I could only assume was either coffee or tea as he sat on the couch. Instantly the teacher formed an extremely concerned and shocked expression as he watched Vlad help me over to the opposite couch of him. Once I sat down, I couldnt help but wrap my right arm around my waist while Jazz came over to sit to my left and Vlad sat to my right. Then the conversation began.

Good afternoon Mr. Lancer. I am grateful you were able to join us today, Vlad began politely yet quietly, seeming to sort of dread the upcoming topic of conversation.

Thank you for inviting me. Lancer looked towards me, sighing softly with disbelief in his weary, yet surprisingly still sort of young face. How are you Danny? He questioned with concern and I sighed, looking down at the floor and away from his observing gaze.

As fine as I can be in my kind of situation, I replied, avoiding his gaze.

What happened exactly? He asked and I was surprised by the fact that he didnt mention me being Phantom first thing.

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