Chapter 1-New

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This chapter has been rewritten. Enjoy!

Danny's POV~

Finally! My soft, warm bed has been calling me for hours! But apparently Box Ghost and Skulker couldn't tell because each of them came back three times. They just love to take up my sleeping time instead of during the day so I could try and have an excuse for not having my homework done for the next day. But at least I can spend more time with Sam, growing our relationship to something that could potentially be our futures, and Tucker, both of us becoming like brothers and enemies when we are testing out the newest video game that would come out.

But...tomorrow will not be a pretty day. It's what Tucker called my death day which marks the day I became half ghost and therefore began on the past that got us to how life is today. Jazz eventually finding out, Vlad and I still arch nemesis though we never seriously harm one another, Dani stopping by ever now and then, and my best friend and girlfriend by my sides, and sometimes out in the streets with me, helping me with whatever ghost chose at that moment to seek havoc in Amity.

That's it. Those are the only people who know about my halfa life. My parents still are as clueless as ever, making it easy to hide my secret from them, yet are now getting more strict on the times I get home, how much I eat, and even if I did my homework or not. I mean, what caused them to suddenly change their minds about how they parent me and all suddenly crack down on how my lie is normally with both of them barely even being there and clearly favoring Jazz despite her distain for their ghost hunting despite her helping me with my ghost hunting.

Suddenly a familiar blue wisp escaped my lips, causing me to groan as I forced myself from my cloud like bed and changing into my ghost half before flying out of the room, hoping to everything that it wasn't Box Ghost or Skulker once again.


"Danny, you need to wake up. It's twelve in the afternoon and mom and dad ate getting suspicious." Jazz's voice mutters softly as I felt a gentle hand shaky my shoulder before turning me onto my side to find my sister sitting on the side of my bed while sighing softly at what I guessed was the dark circles under my eyes and bruises on my face. "How many last night?" She asks gently and I yawn before sitting up, sort of fully awake that I knew what to say yet still a bit groggy for all my senses to function properly.

"Two ghosts yet eight times I had to wake up. Skulker and Box Ghost clearly wanted to prevent me from getting any sleep because they each came four times. I mean, they must really hate me to come that many times each despite them both knowing that I was still part human and needed sleep for stupid school." I complain in an annoyed voice as her soft smile dropped.

"Happy death day though. Your survived a year with being a halfa. That's an accomplishment." Jazz announced a tad cheerful, like she was trying to lighten the mood, which she succeeded when I smiled at her attempt.

"Hey Jazz, I think I've decided on something that could possibly change both of our lived forever." I begin softly, getting a serious tone so she knew I wasn't kidding or exaggerating.

"Danny, what's wrong? What might change our lives?" She questioned softly yet confused, seeing as I am rarely this serious around her unless it was about stopping a really bad ghost which rarely happened these days.

"I think it's time to tell mom and dad the truth." I mutter softly, looking down as Jazz shot up and began pacing like she always did when she was told shocking news.

"Danny, you know what could happen if you told them the truth. I mean, haven't you heard their plans for what to do with Phantom once they get their hands on you after someone let it slip that Phantom wasn't a full ghost? They could literally kill you Danny and I can't let that happen, not to my baby brother." She rants in a whispered shout, clearly trying to keep her voice down incase mom or dad heard.

"Look, Jazz, I know what telling them could end up. There are two possible ways all this could end. Either they accept that I'm half ghost and quit trying to hunt me down, or they could capture me, experiment and dissect me before they finally kill me. And I doubt they will have any sympathy towards a 'host who cannot feel anything'." I counter back, quoting mom in the last part.

Standing up, I went over to my sister and grabbed her shoulder to get her to stand still and look me in the eyes, both of us being about the same height because of some random growth spurt I had over the past year.

"Jazz, I know what I'm doing. I know this could end badly but I want to tell them. I hate always lying to them and I hate failing in school because of the ghost fighting and having to make even more excuses to mom and dad on the sudden changes in my grades. All I'm asking from you is for you to be with me when I tell them and stand by my side should anything come up with them. Can I count on you being by my side in this?" I ask in a firm and controlled voice, making sure Jazz knew there was no way I will be changing my mind now.

"Of course I'll be by my brother's side in this. I would never leave you to do something this serious by yourself. You can always count on me Danny." She whispered with a small smile before coming in and wrapping her arms around me, causing me to wince slightly from the bruises and small cuts before I hugged back, glad to having Jazz be as understanding and headstrong as she is. 

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