Chapter 9

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(Vlad's POV)
It has been a couple of weeks since Daniel and I made the move here to Amity Park. Surprisingly he has adjusted very well. At the moment, I was in the process of getting Daniel's birthday present ready when I happened to glance at the clock. It read six o'clock. Danny should be back by now. Or at least him or one of his friends should have called. Maybe he went to see his sister for a while. I grab my phone to call him but before I can, I see a text from Danny. It reads, 'Help! Parents!' Oh no.

(Danny's POV)
As I walk to the hospital, my ghost sence occurs and I start to look around. Nothing. I go down an alley way and turn into my ghost half and I look around from above. Nothing. I go back down the alley but before I turn back to my human half, I am enclosed in an ectonet. I take my phone and send a quick text to Vlad. I look around to find my ex-parents smirking at their prize.

"Good job Jack." Maddie says. "Now to make him shut up." She pulls out a remote and presses a button. I feel electricity course through my veins as I blackout.


When I wake up, I immediately take note that I was in my ex-parents lab and was strapped down to another dissection table. I hear steps walking down the stairs and come towards me. They stop. I look up to see Maddie and Jack Fenton towering over me with a wicked smile. I stay silent.

"You're finally awake. Now we can begin." Maddie viciously says. Jack goes away and comes back with a tray of shiny objects on it. I begin to panic. Maddie picked up the sharpest one and begins to drag it across my chest and torso. From one shoulder to the opposite hip. Once done, I am screaming in pain as she peels back my shirt to admire the bloody 'X' she has made on me. She picks up a test tube and begins to fill it with my blood. As she takes my blood somewhere, Jack picked up another knife and begins to slice my arms. While all this is happening, I scream and scream. I end up screaming so loud that it activated my ghostly wail which shattered everything and cause both my ex-parents to go unconscious. I soon blacked out from the blood loss, hoping Vlad would come.

𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑬𝑺 𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑬 𝑻𝑹𝑼𝑬¹, 𝖽. 𝗉𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗈𝗆Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant