Chapter 11

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The following morning, I got ready for school without saying a word. I walked straight to school and to my locker absolutely silent. No one noticed. Since Sam and Tucker were not at school, I was going to have to face first period by my self. I entire the classroom and sit down in a seat in the very back. After a few boring minutes, Sam and Tucker come into class with Mr. Lancer behind them. Once my friends see me, they come over to sit with me. I didn't even glance their way.

"Danny, what's wrong?" Sam asks, knowing something was off with me. My eyes begin to tear up and I look away from my friends.

"Mr. Fenton, come here real quick please." Lancer says as he heads out into the hall. Once I got out there myself, he closed the door. "How are you Danny?" I shrug. "If you need to leave class for any reason, feel free to do so." Lancer pauses. "Is your last name still Fenton or is it Masters now?" I look to the ground.

"Masters. I do not want to be related to murderers." I say with venom.

"Well, let's get class started." Lancer says as he enters the room and settles everyone down. I head back to my seat and lay my head down on the desk. Throughout class, my ghost sence went off multiple times but I just stayed in my seat. The rest of my classes were a blur as I went from class to class. Until lunch. As I head to my locker, I'm stopped by Dash.

"Hey Fen-terd!" Dash yells.

"It's Masters." I quietly mummble.

"What was that?" He questions.

"I said it's Masters now not Fenton!" I shout at the football player. He turns away from my sudden anger. When I reach the cafeteria, I spot Sam and Tucker at our usual table. I skip the food line and plop myself down next to Sam.

"Hey dude. What's up with you today? You're acting strange and haven't left class once to fight ghosts." Tucker says to my expressionless face. I don't reply.

"Danny, what's wrong? You can tell us." Sam tries. I break down and leave the lunch room to hide in the basement.


After a while, Sam and Tucker find me in the back of the basement.

"Danny. You can't keep everything locked up inside you forever you know." Sam said obviously irritated.

"Ya man. We're your friends. Tell us what's wrong." Tucker adds.

"CAN'T I JUST GRIEVE IN PEACE?!?!" I shout with tears running down my face. Confusion creeps onto their faces from my sudden outburst.

"Why are you grieving?" Tucker quietly asks.

"Who died Danny?" Sam questions.

"YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH?! JAZZ DIED YESTERDAY!!" I shout. "THEY KILLED HER!! MY PARENTS KILLED THE ONLY SISTER I WILL EVER HAD!!" I pause. "They disowned me and Jazz stood by me the entire time and now she's dead because of them." I say more quietly as more tears make their way to my eyes. Then my friends did something unexpected and hugged me. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours. We hear a bell signaling our study hall and we leave the basement to our lockers and then to Lancer's for study hall.

I soon as I head in, I go to my seat and lay me head on my arms to hide the tears that threaten to escape. Then Dash decides to open his mouth.

"Hey Danny!" He begins and gets everyone's attention. "Why do you look like you're crying all the time? Are you a crybaby now?" The entire class erupts in laughter. "And why did you change your last name to 'Masters'? Why would our mayor, Vlad Masters, want a scrawny kid like you as his son?" I start to tear up as everyone laughs. "Why are you so scrawney? You're even more weak than I thought you were." Then I snap.

"HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOUR PARENTS SHOT AT YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND THEN HAVE YORU ONLY SIBLING GO RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU TO TRY TO FROTECT YOU AND EARNING THEMSELVES A SHOT IN THE HEART!! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF THAT SAME SIBLING IS NOW IS IN A COMA YOU ARE TAKEN BY YOUR PARENTS AND CUT OPEN WITHOUT ANY MEDICATION TO MASK THE PAIN!! THEN TRY COMING BACK TO SCHOOL TO DEAL WITH BULLIES LIKE YOU!!!" By the time I finish, I have tears flowing from my eyes, everyone staring at me with pure shock, and red blood stains slowly appearing across my shirt. "You have no idea what I'm going through emotionally, mentally, and physically. My life is hell as it is and then you start talking and it hits my breaking point. And don't bother saying you're sorry because it won't change a single thing." I storm out of the school and head straight to my new home.

𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑬𝑺 𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑬 𝑻𝑹𝑼𝑬¹, 𝖽. 𝗉𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗈𝗆Where stories live. Discover now