Chapter 8

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(Vlad's POV)
I look over to see who walked in and notice Danny tense up at the sight of his parents. I look into their eyes and see nothing but hatred and pure anger. Then they look at me. I pull Danny behing me and put my arm up to protect him.

"Vlad! What a surprise. What are you doing here?" Jack asks.

"Doing what you should have been doing to Jasmine and Daniel's entire lives. Protecting them from those who cause danger." I say confidently.

"You are not their parent Vlad. We are." Maddie says.

"Then if you're our parents, why did you both cause us pain?" Danny asks from behind me. He sounded so broken.

"Don't you dare talk like you are our child. Our children are fully human. You aren't." Maddie says with venom laces in each of her words.

"Don't talk like he was never your kid Maddie. Last I remembered, you loved having a son named Daniel." I say.

"It's all your fault." Danny quietly says. Only I heard it.

"It's all your fault." He says again with more confidence. "It's your fault I'm half ghost and it's your fault my sister is in a coma!" She shouts at his parents. "No parent should put their kid in a coma or try to kill them!! You shouldn't even be here!" I turn to Danny.

"Little badger, go back home and wait for me there. I will handle this." I say quietly to the broken boy that stands before me. He replies with a nod of his head and heads over to his sister. He gives Jazz a kiss on her forehead and departs from the hospital.

"Where did you send him?" Jack asks.

"Somewhere far away from both of you." I smirk. "You need to leave."

"We're her parents. Not you." Maddie states.

"Not anymore. Jazz signed paperwork. Adoption paperwork. They went through today, which means I am both hers and Danny's legal guardian. Now leave before I call the nurses." I lie. Then, they turn and leave without another word, which was weird. I say goodbye to Jasmine and head home to Danny.


(Danny's POV)
I flew straight to the farthest corner in my room from the door and broke down. I can't believe my parents. They completely disowned me. It's all my fault. Even though I said it was their fault, deep down it was completely my fault.

"Daniel?!" I hear from down the hall. I turn invisable as Vlad comes in my room. "Little badger?" He asks again as he walk in my direction. Once he is right in front of me, he crouchs down and places a hand on my shoulder. "Oh Danny. I'm so sorry you had to see them. I had no idea they would notify your parents. Come with me, I'm gonna show you something." I turn back to normal and follow Vlad. While we walked in the quiet halls, all you could hear were our footsteps. Suddenly, Vlad stopped on front of a door. But it was different from the others. This door looked just like my door back at my parents house. Vlad opened the door and walked in with me right at his heels. What I saw amazed me. It was my old room but on the left most wall, there were astronomy posters and notes on all things ghost covering the wall. I turn to Vlad who was holding some papers. I go over and take the papers and read them.

"What's this?" I asked confused. I notice Jazz's signature at the bottom of the last page.

"I've been thinking that since your parents disown anything that relates to you being their son, I could adopt you and your sister. I already think of both of you as my own and I understand you will need some time to think about all this. I know it has only been a couple of days-"

"Yes. Absolutely." I reply, cutting him off.

"Really?" He questioned with surprise in his eyes.

"Where's a pen?" I ask. He hands me a pen and I sign the paperwork. I hand him the papers and hug him.

"Thank you so much Vlad. Thank you for everything." I say. He just hugs me tighter.

"So you like the room?" He asks.

"I love it. But, what are we gonna do about school?" I ask.

"I may have hired people to build a replica of this mansion in Amity Park." I look up to see him smiling down at me.

"What about Jazz?"

"I'll make some calls about transferring her to a hospital in Amity Park." He laughs. "Trust me, I have this all planned out."

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