Chapter 6 ~ New

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Dannys POV~ Chapter 6 (After Sam and Tucker left for the night)

I woke up in my bed, but it wasnt the bed I was given at Vlads. It was my own bed, in my own room, in my own house. Glancing down at myself, I was surprised to find that there wasnt a hint of what happened over me and I was completely healed. Nothing hurt and nothing stung. It was like nothing ever happened. Weird.

Just then the door to my room opened and my head snapped over as mom walked into the room with a kind smile.

Good morning Danny, she greeted as she came over and sat on the edge of my bed. Her hand reached out and brushed through my hair, causing me to flinch after what had happened.

Morning mom, I reply slowly, feeling like something was completely off beside the fact that my body had no hint of what happened last time I was face to face with my parents.

You feeling better? Saturday night you were going to tell us something but you passed out and have been asleep since. Wait, they dont know? Im safe! It was just a dream!

Im feeling much better now. Thanks mom. I grinned, standing up along with mom before heading out of the room.

Danny boy, could you come down to the lab real quick?! I just finished a new weapon and I know youll be proud of this one! Dads voice called from the lab and I grinned, feeling as if nothing was ever wrong.

So I headed down, glancing over to dad as he went over to one of the metal tables down here and lifted a large ecto gun in his arms. As I came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, he aimed the gun at me and pulled the trigger, a huge green net shooting out and enclosing me in it. I screamed in pain as I was electrocuted, though I pushed the pain aside and watched as mom came down to join dad, both grinning triumphantly.

Suddenly I found myself pinned down on a cold metal table with ectoranium laced straps around my ankles and wrists, meaning I couldn't phase out of them. But that didnt stop me from pulling and yanking on them as mom came closer with a scalpel in her hand, a malicious grin playing on her lips as she lowered the obviously ectoranium covered blade down to my chest. Then the pain arrived.

Vlads POV~

Living in a mansion all alone, you become used to the small noises here and there that interrupt the peaceful silence. But not when its screaming. And especially if its the cries of a child you view as your own. That's when I realized the nightmares have begun. I knew it was only a matter of time before they got to their worst and it appears as though that time is now. The closer I got to his room the louder his cries became, as if they would never stop. There was nothing but pain in his screams, as if he were being tortured, which I wouldnt put past him and what kind of hell his mind can create after everything hes gone through.

The second I arrived in his room, I pulled him into my arms and held him tightly as he woke from his night terror. But instead of the sobs calming down, they seemed to only come faster as Daniel wrapped his arms tightly around my body and hugged onto me as if I were his lifeline.

Shh, everything is going to be all right Little Badger. I got you, youre safe now. You will always be safe with me Daniel. Calm down. These small promises seemed to do the trick because after a while, his sobs came to an end and the teen fell back asleep in my arms, tears still streaming from his now closed eyes. Then a thought occurred to me. Where is Jasmine?

Laying Daniel back down ever so softly, I silently rose to my feet and left the room, heading down to his sisters own room. Peering into the room, I did not expect to see what I saw. There, lying sprawled out on the floor with her arm outstretched before her was an unconscious Jasmine, her bright red hair covering her face and pooling along her back.

Kneeling down beside her, my fingers instantly flew to her neck and after a few seconds I let out a soft breath at feeling the faint pulse in her neck. Oh I hope shes all right. Daniel would be crushed if anything happened to her now, seeing as she is the last of his family that supports him and cares for him like his parents should.

Lifting Jasmine in my arms gently, I mustered up the needed strength before teleporting to the nearest hospital and calling attention for a doctor or somebody to help. The last I saw from the frenzy of humans was Jasmine being whisked away and papers being shoved into my face.

I quickly completed the papers despite not knowing much about the teen, but worrying about Daniel back at the mansion who just woke up from a night terror. But I need to bring him here as soon as I can. He needs to know what happened to his sister. And if I want him to trust me, I cannot keep anything from him, especially if it concerns his sister.

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