Is this it?

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Haaiii my otome gamers!

You guys exceeded waaay over the goal and for that I have a surprise, for all of you!

At the end of this chapter I will put samples of my two new voltage books and you can choose your favorite.

Ayane POV

"This is so cool..." I mumbled. "Yeah. The thieves guild is pretty cool" Takuto says. Before we actually fly to the north pole. we had to make a stop at the thieves guild. "How comes we couldn't just go to a normal store to buy our supplies?" Riki asks Neya as she browses through gadgets.

"What normal store would sell coats with enough thermal material to withstand the blizzards of the north pole?" she asks while racking through coats.

"She's right." Kenshi says. Neya smiles at him and continues to look through things. "How do I shop for a baby..." she mumbles holding up multiple coats to Tama's torso. 

"Uh, I'll look for her coats and clothing." I say. "Oh, yeah. Thanks." she smiles genuinely.

I walked around for a while and Neya ran behind me and hid. "N-Neya?"

"Shhh." she says. A group of people move around quickly and when they pass she sighs and moves. "What was that all about?" I ask.

"Well, boss told a friend that I was at the guild, and word got out..." She mumbles.

"Yeah, she's pretty popular." Boss says walking over to us.

"Hey Neya, I found this jacket." Kenshi says and holds up a neon pink thermal coat. "Oh, that's a nice color, but I prefer green. But if that's what you want I won't judge." She says.

"Uh, yeah, pshh I was just gonna show you how stupid it was. Yeah right see Takuto. Stupid huh?" Kenshi fumbles over his words.

Takuto glares at him then rolls his eyes and walks away with Tama.

I laugh as he walks away. "He likes you." I say. "No he wouldn't." She says. "Why not?"

"I don't know?" She shrugged her shoulders. Hiro ran up with a cart of supplies. "Guys look at all this!" Hiro says.

I smile.

🕐Time Skip🕐

"So the helicopter I rented was a 2 seater, so Tama you have to ride the plane with us." Boss says.

"Ok!" She smiles.

We make our way to the roof where Neya was standing in a black spandex suit with her hair in a ponytail.

I look down at me and I was wearing skinny jeans and a tank top.

"Here. Put these on." Neya hands me a suit as well.

I change in the bathroom and come back and Takuto draps his jacket over me.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. "Ayane you are S.S.I.H!" Hiro says and hugs me!

"Go away carrot head." Takuto pushes his head.

"Ok. Here's the route to the base we'll be staying at until we move out." Riki hands Neya a map and she types in coordinations into a small gadjet.

"Ok! We're ready!" She says.

"Ayane, we'll call you when our plane is about to take off." Takuto says.

"Mkay, bye." I say and he quickly gives me a small kiss on my lips. "I saw that Takkun!" Hiro shouts.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Takuto says and takes Tama downstairs.


"Ready for lift off!" I say as I recieved the call. "Ok!" Neya smiles and starts flipping buttons and the helicopter rises.

Hours later we were flying and listening to music on my phone.

"Do you have masked bitch?" She asks. "Yeah, just the shoose version."

"Best version ever." She says.

I start to play the dong and sing along.

"What the..." Neya says. "What?" I ask. "There's things moving on the radar." She says.

We were over the ocean. "Maybe sea life?"

"The radar only picks up signals from aircrafts, boats, anything that is a form of transportation. But in the middle of the northern sea...." She mumbles.

I look forward and see a flash of fire. "What the hell?" I mumble. "Shit shit shit shit SHIT!" She screams and flicks more switches and excelerates the copter.

"What's that!" I point out my window. "A heat seaking missle." She says and trys to fly faster but the back of the helicopter is blown off.

I hit my head hard onto the dashboard and black out.


I realize I make Ayane black out alot.

Hmm oh well, who's ready for the new book samples?!

You are. Cuz I told you so.

So first the love letter from theif x

I wiped the water off pf my face and saw I was tied up.

"Hello." He said with a conceited smirk. I eyed him and he brushed  his shaggy black hair out of his eyes.

"Listen here," he moved to my level.

I took my foot and kicked him in the gut sending him flying back into the other guys.

"Give me the transceiver." He says. A guy with blonde hair hands him my ear peice and he turns it on.

"Hello? Ai! Boss is waiting!" Daneki shouts. "Track the signal." He handed it back to the blonde.

"Until we retrieve the things you stole from us. You'll be staying here." The blonde says.


Ai Grisha works for the notorious thieves called the silver dogs. Being the loner she is she turned to the internet for a friend.

But one day she's sent on a mission against the black foxes and a simple slip up gets her caught.

Being held hostage by them is a blessing.

Well it's either that or face life in jail.

Slowly but eventually she starts to fall for one of her captors.

How will this work out??

Wow that was intense. Ok now for the Enchanted in the moonlight book.


"Please, dont take my baby from me!" I cried out.

He looked at me with pity in his eyes. He looked down at the newborn that rested in his arms. "You knew what was going to happen." He mumbles.

"Please! Don't leave me...." I dropped to my knees and cried. "Momo, stop crying." he snapped. "No, tell me. All that time we spent together,  you mean to tell me that you dont love me?" I ask.


Momo Curad moves to a new home closer to her new job in japan. One night 6 mysterious men appear in her living room claiming to be the mythed creatures called ayakashi.

What will happen....?

Read to find out!

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