Meeting Tama

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Ayane POV

Me and Takuto were walking back to my house after my sisters left.

The silence was killing me. I had to ask. "Hey, Takuto, do you really think I'm pretty?"

He looks at me for a second then looks ahead without saying a word.

"Thought so..." I mumbled.
When we got to my house, I thanked Takuto and was about to leave until he grabbed my arm gently.

"Yes Takuto?"

"It's true." He says with his face turning bright red. "What's true?" I ask him.

His face turns even redder. "Y-yes, I think you're p-p-p-pretty..." He says. I smile and he looks away in embarrassment. "Thanks-"

He cuts me off when he plants a kiss on my forehead. "When you go inside, turn on your bedroom light so I know you're safe." He says.


I got in the house and turned on my bedroom light. When the lights turned on I saw Jakū sitting on my bed with no shirt on.

"Hey, I missed you last night." He hops out of bed and walks toward me. "G-get out." I say and take a few steps back.

He pulls me into a hug and buries his nose in my hair. "Dont you miss me?"

"Hell no."

He grabs me roughly by my neck and flings me on the bed. "I missed you. Now lets make up for lost time." He smirks and tears off my shirt.

"GET OFF!" I yell. He lies down beside me on the bed and wraps his arms around me.

"I wanted to cuddle with you for so long, but when I got to the hospital you were gone." He says and squeezes me tighter.

"Get off!" I kick around in the bed. "Last time I saw you, you're boobs were smaller." He says and pulls me closer to his chest so my boobs are pressed up against his chest.

Someone bangs on the door, and I try to get out of Jakū's grip when he slaps me. I cry out in pain. And he pushes me off the bed. He sits on my back nearly crushing me to death.

"Who's at your door?" He asks as the banging continues. "I-i dont know..."

He lights a cigarette and starts smoking. The banging gets louder and he gets mad. "WHO THE FUCK IS AT THE DOOR?!" He yells as he pushes the lit cigarette on my bare back.

I scream out and I hear the door burst open. Takuto walks in and Jakū just looks up at him as his fist swing down and knock Jakū off of me.

I think he's unconscious...

Takuto helps me off the floor, and puts his sweater over me. "Pack clothes." He says while eying the unconscious Jakū.

--Time Skip--

I packed clothing and Takuto walks me to his house. "From now on you're staying here." He says. "O-ok." I mumble.

He puts an arm on my shoulder and I flinch. He pulls me closet into a hug and I cry into his chest.

"Shh, women are a pain when they cry." He grumbles. "D-dont say that, i-if you're hugging me!" I bawl harder.

He lifts my chin up with three off his fingers and kisses my eyelids, my cheeks, my nose, the corners of my mouth, the presses his lips on mine.

His kisses are gentle, and filled with passion, unlike Jakū's. I grabbed his shirt and clutched it tight.

He pulls away and wipes the tears off my face. "Come on and go to sleep." He pulls me towards the bed.

•••Mission Time•••

This mafia HQ is extremely huge. I glanced at the small gadget that was like a GPS. So the treasure should be down this hall..... And into this room.

I twisted the lock and as usual, it was locked. I took a hair pin out of my hair and picked the lock.

Opening the door I saw another door and this one was unlocked. I opened the door and saw a cage, I thought it was a dog in there at first but then I saw small hands wrap around the bars.

Hold up. WHAT?!

"Are you gonna poke me with more needles?" She asks. "Huh?! No sweetie." I pick the lock on her cage and she runs into my arms.

I rub her blonde hair and she cries.

"We gotta go." She mumbles in my chest.


She points upwards and a guy in a lab coat grabs us and flings her back into the cage and drags me down the hall by my hair.

He opens a room that's completely dark and throws me in. He locked the door and I started banging on the door.

Well, I'll be damned.

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