Im a dad?

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Ok guys.  If you play the music and it ends before you see the ••• feel free to play it again until you reach the dots.

Takuto POV

"Goddamit!" I stomp my foot as I look at the screen. Everybody's earpieces are jammed. The only thing I can get are the cameras.

"Look! There's Hiro talking with the gaurds.... and Riki and Kenshi..." Boss says as he leans down to look to.

"Shit, beardy! Stop breathing down my neck!" I glare at him. "Oh, sorry!" He sweat drops and his eyes widen.

"Look Takkun. Ayane's being dragged-"

"What?" I turn back to the computer and I start gearing up. "Pain in my ass."

"Go find them. I'll monitor from here." He says. He nods and I stealthily maneuver through the yard avoiding traps cameras and gaurds.

"Let me go!" I hear a scream.

I peek around a corner and see a man locking a door. He walks away and I step out.

I run to the door and start to pick the lock. "How'd she get caught...?"

I finally got the door open and I saw a cage. I looked at the blue eyed girl who sat in it and she gasped. "Daddy! You're alive?!" She squeals.

Wait, what?

"Sorry kid, but you got the wrong guy." I mumble and start to unlock her cage. "Im gonna take you with me, but we gotta get someone first."

I grab her hand and start to walk down the hall. "Let me out!" I hear banging on a door farther down the hall.

I go to it and try the lock. Locked.

This is a padlock. "I can't pick this lock." I take out my phone and search for the power surge app.

Finding the app I enter the coordinates for the mansion and 6 seconds later everything elecric shuts down.

I open the door and see Ayane sitting on the floor.

"That was the scariest 4 minutes of my life." She mumbles. "Let's go." I grab her bicep and pull her off the floor. "Hi miss!" The little girl waves.



"I'm going to meet with Riki. Continue to carry out the plan." I tell Ayane.


30 minutes later everyone makes it back into the truck.

Driving away we start talking with the little girl. "So what's your name?" Kenshi asks.

"Tama Michalis."

"Where are your parents?" Riki asks. "D-dead. My daddy's name was Sebastian. He looked like you." She pointed to me.

"And my mommy had brown hair like you." She pointed to Ayane.

"Earlier you asked if I was going to poke you with more needles, what did you mean?" Ayane asks.

"They used long needles to give me shots everyday, and then make me do really hard test." She mumbles.

"Hey, you're like a mommy, can you be my mommy?" Tama asks. "Ehh?" Ayane looks at us. "Y-yeah, sure." Ayane says as she gives a small smile.

"And you be my dad!" She points to me.

"EHH?!" I nearly drop my laptop. "It doesn't take a genius to be a dad." Hiro laughs. "Then go ahead Hiro. You got this." Kenshi laughs.

"No I want you be my daddy." Tama whines. "Just do it Takuto." Riki says.

"Fine." I say and Tama claps her hands. "Daddy. Your computer isn't up to date. The 6fd update helps the USB work faster." She points to my computer.

"She's right." I mumble and turn to the computer and start the update. "W-wait, I didn't understand 97% of that sentence." Ayane says and rubs her neck akwardly.

"Cause you're an idiot." I smirk. "C'mon Takkun, I didn't understand either-" beardy says.

"Monster stache, you're no better." I glare at him.

--Time Skip--

Ayane POV

"So you like doing the hard test?" I ask Tama as I shampoo her hair. "Yeah, I just don't like the needles." She says.

I dry her off and put on the pajamas that we bought on the way home on her.

I brought her downstairs and saw the guys passed out and drunk. I laughed and set her on a stool. "I'll get you something to eat." I smile and go into the kitchen.

I hear the bell ring as someone enters the bar. "Mommy, someone is here." Tama calls out to me. I walk out of the kitchen.

"Sorry but we're cl-"

"Mommy huh?" I freeze at the voice. I look at Jakū.

"How long have you had a baby and didn't tell me?!" He yells. I stand beside Tama.

Nobody wakes up and Jakū grabs my shirt and pulls my shirt over the table and threw me on the floor.

"Oww..." I groan. "Mommy!" Tama yells and hops off the stool running towards me.

Jakū grabs her by the shirt but when he does he drops to the ground clutching his face. "Daddy!" Tama yells.

Takuto helps me holding me by the waist and held Tama on his hip. "Oh aren't you a happy family." Jakū coughs.

The doors of the bar burst open and three people walk in and reach into their pockets.

"FBI NOBODY MOVE!" They say and hold up their badges.

Have we been caught?

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