Rio Kohta

777 30 10

All of you are soo sweet. I purposely made this chapter longer because you all wanted to figure out what happens next.

The amount of support you huys gave me today I actually started crying while I was getting my hair done. But anywhoree, enjoy!

Ayane POV

"Uhm, what?" I ask.

"For the mission of course." Boss says.
Everyone breathes a sigh of relief except me. "I dont wanna get married!" I say.

"Just hear me out alright."

"A man, named Maka Papura, is looking for a bride for his son-"

"So you're giving our new teammate so you can help a friend?" Hiro asks.

Boss slams his hands on the table silencing everyone. "Now that I habe your attention.  Maka is an illegally lnow art trader. His son needs a wife. And there is a painting that he plans on handing down to his son once he's married." Boss says.

"Is it one of Ayane's gramps art?" Kenshi asks.

"No. This was an artwork owned by an old duchess and she wanted to sell it but it was stolen from her."

"So, we're gonna introduce Ayane as a bride and then oh I get it!" Hiro smiles.

"Took you long enough idiot." Takuto says in a more grumpier mood than usual.

"I woke up 5 hours ago and I'm already getting married." I sigh and place my hand on my forehead.

"Hiro, could you take Ayane to your place so she can get suited up.

Takuto glares at boss and boss chuckles. "Uh, heah, Takkun can go to..." Boss says.

*At Hiro's house*

"You have a whole closet full of disguises..." I mumble. "Yup! Put this dress on."

Hiro hands me a white floral dress that hugs my waist but flows at the bottom and the straps cross in the back.

I go into the bathroom and when I finsh dressing Hiro sits me on the couch.

He starts applying blush to my cheeks, light blue eye shadow, and clear lip gloss. He takes my hair and starts sifting it theough his fingers. "Hmm, maybe I should just cut it short-"

"EHH?! NO WAY!" I grab my hair from him. Does he know how long it takes to have your hair grow to your butt?

"I'm just kidding." He chuckles and grabs a brush.

He brushes my hair into a ponytail and leaves a strand dangling on my forehead.

"Ooh, Ayane you're S.S.I.H!" Hiro says and places a hand on his hip.


"So sexxy it hurts!"

Takuto walks in front of me and frowns. "She shouldn't dress like that." He says. "Oh yeah, Takkun, what do you suggest? " Hiro teases. "Sweat pants and an oversized t shirt, with some run down converses."

"Whatever, you're just upset that Ayane's getting married. Now I'll be right back before you can say pancake-"

"Pancake." Takuto cuts him off and Hiro pouts. "Takkun, dont be mean." I say.

"Dont call me that."

10 minutes later, an old man with a black suit and a big stomach walks into the room. "I didn't know anuone else libed in this house." I mumbled to Takuto.


The man lets out a harty chuckle and saunters over to us. "You must be Hiro's friends, nice to meet you." He holds out his hands crossway for us to shake.

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