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Ayane POV


Have we been caught?

Takuto's grip tightens on me and Tama. "Jakū Hidoki you are under arrest for multiple reports of domestic violence, kidnapping, and mass quantities of thieving valuable art works." The woman says and handcuffs Jakū.

The other officer walks over to us and my heart starts beating like crazy. "May I ask why you're in this pub so late?" He asks.

"The owners, is my grandpa! He taught me to make cookies!" Tama says and smiles. "Uhm, officer what do you mean masss quantities of stolen art work?" I ask.

"Recently a museum that isn't too far from here, on 47th street, was robbed blindly. This man was the leader of the group that stole it." He says. "Brigs lets go." The woman calls.

He shakes me and Takuto's hand and leaves the pub.

*The next day*

"I'm so mad at you!" Shayla says and pinches Tama's cheek. "Aunty Shayla that hurts..." Tama mumbles. "Yes sister. You've kept a child away from us for.... how old is she?" Mizuki asks.


"Yes, four years."

I laugh and continue stirring the pot of rice porridge. We all sat inside LRN while I cooked and Hiro was helping serve.

The door opens and Tama gasps. "Daddy!" She jumps out of a sad shayla's arms and hugs Takuto's legs. Takuto smiles nervously and lifts her up.

"If you love me you'll buy me M&Ms." Tama smiles.

"Oh yeah, here." He reaches into his pocket and hands her a bag of M&Ms.

I continue to cook until Mizuki utters my name. "He's her dad?"

"Uh, yeah... haha..." I stutter.

Shayla gets from her stool and stomps over to Takuto. "Shayla! No!" I whisper yell. "Hey you." I hear her begin. Oh lord. Kill me now.

Takuto POV

The red head stomps up to me and says, "Hey you."

"What?" I reply and she freezes. She shakes it off and glares at me. "If you break my sister's heart- wait Tama cover your ears." Tama covers her ears and the girl continues.

"Break my sister's heart I'll break you neck then ima break your legs."

She turns away and walks away to her seat and I just stand there with Tama still covering her ears. I brush her hands off her ears and put her down.

I walked over to the bar and sat and watched Ayane as she moved swiftly around the kitchen filling plates with different kinds of food.

The way her small hands grab the spoon....


"Takkun! You're here!" I look up and see the bearded freak.


Ayane POV

Takuto drove me and Tama to my apartment and I carried Tama upstairs aafter saying bye to Takuto.

"Mommy. Why dont you and dad live together?" Tama asks. "Cause we aren't in love..." i say and start the tub.

"So.... if I make you in love.... will you live together?" She asks while pulling off her shirt. "Hmm, I don't know.... daddy's reallly stubborn. " i smirk.

"Miss Ayane?" I freeze when she calls me by my name.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Are you upset that I'm here?" She asks with her eyes watering.

"What are you talkimg about? If I was upset with you here I wouldn't let you call me mommy."

She smiles at me. "Ok mommy." She says and crawls in the tub.

A 4 year old talking like this? What did they do to her there?

--Time Skip--

We started packimg suitcases for the next mission. Apparently Jakū had all the art work shipped to a hotel that does black market auctions. We decided to pose as guest.

"I wanna swim in the pool." Tama says.

"We will." I smirk. "Mommy, can I help in the mission?"

"You are. You're gonna jelp Takuto with his computers since you're so smart with them."

"Awesome." She says and looks in the suitcase. "Which hotel is it?" Tama asks. "Uh, which is it....?"

I forgot already, damn it. "I dont remember. Guess we'll find out tomorrow." She nods her head and lets out a big yawn.

"It lools like it's bed time." I say.

*The next day*

We got out of Boss' van and I looked up. "The Tres Spades." I say.

"Yup. Let's go."

I was holding Tama's hand when a group a women started yellimg and stuff. I let her hand go for a quick second to brush my hair out of my face and when I tried to grab her hand again she was gone.


Tama POV

I walked away from the yelling ladies, cause they smelled stinky. I saw a guy with a nice suit on and I followed him up the the steps and I don't think he saw me.

He got in an elevator and I went in with him. He was looking at a phone so he wasn't paying attention to me.

He had gold in his hair.

The elevator stopped and he got out still ignoring me. I chased after him.

"Hey! Mr!" I chased him into a big room with other guys with big suits on a a pretty lady with red hair.

"Uhm, pikachu. Who's the girl?" The lady with the red hair says. The guy looks down at me and notices me.


"Im Tama."

The lady with red hair walks up to me and hold mr in her arms. "I'm Ikumi."

Another group of people come in and a girl with long black hair looks at me. "Mom, did you have another kid and not tell me?"

Ayane POV

"Baka! How do you lose a kid?" Riki scolds me. "I dont know!" I grip my hair.

"Maybe she went to the bathroom?" Hiro says.

"Idiot, we already checked there!" Takuto says. "I'm gonna go ask the front desk." I mumble and wipe away the small tears in my eyes.

I report to the front desk and they say they'll keep a look out for her.

Looking down I bump into a guy with a crate. "Im sorry." I say and help him lift the crate. "You're so lucky it didn't break. " he growls at me.

"Even though...." he grabs my arm and start yanking me backwards. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME PERV!' he presses something against my mouth and I falll unconscious to it's siclly sweet smell.

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