A special ring

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I jump from my sleep with my heart beating fast. That dream again. While sitting in bed my phone chimes.

I pick up my phone and it's a text message from Tatsuro. I read aloud,

'Hey happy birthday don't forget your birthday lunch, cya l8r!'

Tatsuro and I have been best friends since we were kids, but we hardly see each other anymore since he became an FBI officer. I reply with,
Thx Im really excited'

As I get ready for work, I pull out the ring gramps made for me when I was 5. The sapphire glints in the sunlight as I read what he carved into it.

I start walking to the museum, where I work, and when I get there, the whole museum is in a buzz. I slip through the crowds of people and make it to the morning meeting.

When I finally get into the meeting room, my co worker Mitsuru greets me. "Hey Ayane!" He shouts. "Mitsuru, not so loud." I scold him. He pushes up his glasses. "S-sorry." He mumbles, while taking a seat. I sit beside him as our manager walks in.

"Good morning everyone." He says with a smile. "You all must be wondering why the museum is in such a big fuss." He continues. "Apparently we received a threat, that the black foxes will come and steal the painting, cherries and blue berries." He explains.

The room falls deadly quiet, until someone breaks the silence. "Aren't they gonna return it to its rightful owner? " a co worker shouts. After that the whole confrence room breaks out in debate on if the thieves are noble or not.

My manager stops the meeting, and we are all sent to work. While going to my desk I pass the painting cherries and blue berries. "The black foxes are pretty skilled, I doubt our security would catch them." I mumble while staring at it. "Well isn't that one way to compliment the thieves." Someone says while stepping beside me.

I turn my head and see a man with orange hair standing beside me. "Nice to meet you, Im Hiro." He says while putting his hand out for me to shake. "A-ayane, the pleasure is all mine."I say shaking his hand.

He looks down at my ring and stares. Thsts a really pretty ring, where'd you get it?" He asks. "Oh! My great grandfather made it for me when I was 5." I tell him. His eyes widen a bit then return to normal.

Then someone runs up to Hiro. "Hiro bro, you gotta come see this-" he says but suddenly stops when he notices me. "Hm." He hums to himself. "Kenshi what do you want?" Hiro asks obviously annoyed. Before Kenshi can reply, another man walk up to them.

"Guys I'm ready to go this is boring." He says. Hiro turns to me and gives me an unexpected hug. "Bye Ayane."


~Time skip~

Around 11:30, Im the only one in the museum, closing up.

After I set the security system, I start to walk out. Before I can reach to parking lot,(no I don't have a car -_-) the museum alarm blares. I turn my head in surprise and when I do, I see 3 men in black running towards the parking lot. "Oh my god..." They run past me and a familiar hair color catches my eye.

"Hiro?" I call out. Hiro turn around and runs towards me. He lifts my hand and take my ring off my finger. Then presses a finger against his lips, as to tell me to hush.

"But my ring!" I yell out as he runs back to the other men. I notice the man Hiro called Kenshi, but the other black haired man I don't recognize. The get into a black van and speed off.

My eyes well with tears, until I hear police sirens. I run home and grief takes over my body. I sink to the floor and tears spill over my face. "Gramps gave me that ring, how am I gonna get it back?" I cry. I look at my clock and it's 12:07. I take a bath and crawl into bed without eating dinner.

I doze off to sleep, I'm awaken by someone shaking me softly. My lips are warm. My eyes flutter open and I look up to see the man Hiro called Kenshi with his hand over my mouth. "Don't yell." He says. Fear takes over my body and without thinking I nod my head.

He removes his hand and I sit up and see Hiro, and the the other man from earlier. "Hiro? Are you sure that's her? Takuto said the ugly girl from the museum." The man says. "Riki, it's her! And Ayane is very beautiful." Hiro says and I feel a blush creep on my face.

"Well if it's not her, we have insurance." Riki says snd slips his gun in his pocket. "Ayane, are you alright?" Hiro asks when he notices me spacing out. "I'm not talking to you, you took my ring." I huff.

Hiro chuckles and tosses me something. I catch it and see it's my ring. "Lets go." Hiro says while grabbing my hand. "What?" Hiro puts me in the black van from before and Kenshi starts driving.

We pull up to a bar called Le Renard Noir.(LRN) "A bar?" I question as Riki helps me out of the van. We enter the bar and I see two men sitting at a bar counter. "Takuto? This her?" Riki asks. The blonde looks up and nods. "How dare you..." I mumble to myself.

"Umm guys it's about time we tell Ayane why she's here." The man with long hair says. "That would be nice." I blurt out. "Oh shut up ugly..." Takuto says. "Hey!" I exclaim. "Hay is for horses." He snickers.

All of the men sit down at a table and sit me down across from them. "Well, Ayane, your great grandfather was basically the japanese leonardo da vinci and you are the key to his most valuable invention or art work we aren't sure yet. But he left it for you and as the black foxes it's our job to return it to its rightful owner." He says.

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