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Ayane POV

"Pfft! What are you goimg on about Shayla?" I smile.

"You're the Phantom theives. There were rumors that there was a woman in the black foxes. It took me a while to realize, that you were never popular with guys until now." She says.

"So you're saying that cause I have guy friends I'm a black fox?"

"No. Hiro told me." Mizuki says and pulls out a book.

Everyone's eyes trail to Hiro. "It may have slipped out when we were........making love......" he mumbles.

"YOU DUMBASS!" Takuto shouts.

Everybody starts chewing him out. "Come on guys. Dont get mad at him. It was an accident." I say. Hiro looks like he's about to cry so Mizuki hugs him protectively.

"Anyway, you cant tell anyone." Boss says with a serious face. Which is rare. "Why would we tell. We're not as innocent as you think." Mizuki says.

"Hold up. What?" Takuto says. "We're part of a guild of theives called the Black Pandas......." Mizuki says.

"Well you were." Takuto says. He turns his computer and a whole document appears on the screen.

"It was shut down 5 years ago, and police and FBI reports say they're still looking for more than half the guild that escaped." Tama reads.

"My guess is that you're still in hiding?" Tama asks. "Yup. Aren't you a smart girl." Shayla says.

"Anyways. We are leaving. But we'll be visiting, from time to time." Mizuki says. "What no! Dont leave me Mizuki......they'll beat me up." Hiro tugs on her sleeve.

"No ones gonna beat you up Hiro." Kenshi says. "But boss' ll make me clean." Hiro bawls.

"Ugh, on your way. Pack him and take him. He's annoying." Takuto yawns and types something on his computer. "Sorry. We cant." Shayla says.

She sits down on Riki's lap and burries her face in his neck. "Welp. This is disgusting. Daddy let's go upstairs." Tama hops on Takuto's back and they jog up the stairs.

My sisters give me a big hug. "Bye guys..." I whisper. "Dont call it good bye. " Shayla smiles. "How about... see you later." Mizuki says. I nod and they walk out of the bar.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Ya know. We should go to the beach." Hiro mumbles.

"Well good thing that you're up for the idea. I just found a clue on the next piece of art, Ayane's gramps left."

"We just came from a mission." Hiro whines. "And I was basically raped." I point up. "I think a mission is just what we need." Riki says.

Tama runs down the stairs and hides behind my chair. "Tama what-"

"Shh!" She says. Takuto walks down the steps and looks at me. "Have you seen Tama." He ask with his eyes looking at her.

"Oh, there she is." He reaches for her but she laughs and scrambles into the kitchen. "I'm touched." Kenshi says. "Shut it, pinaple head." Takuto blushes

"We have a mission guys." Boss says. Tama walks out again a and whines. "We juat did a mission!" She says and lifts her hands up for Takuto to lift her up.

He lifts her and sits on a stool beside me. "Look, we're the black foxes and this is what we do."

"Fineeee" Takuto and Tama whine together.

"Well, I had undid the sculpture and saw there was a note in the statue-"

"You took apart a sculpture? A valuable one at that?" Kenshi asks. "Listen guys. In the sculpture the note said, if you are reading this the sculpture you have is fake. Bravo. Well done. The little puppet by the peer is clear and very dear. If it were to clatter it would shatter for it is made of glass and the one to drop it is an ass." Boss reads from a weathered looking piece of paper.

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