chapter twenty

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~sorry for not updating... I've been busy latley with school and stupid stuff (aka my brother)... but yeah ill update when I can now. It will be hard cause of school. So chapter shall we?~

-your pov-

So the battle has begun and I'm starting to feel uneasy... like I might puke. Roy said he would be by my side the whole time to make sure I was ok. Sometimes he can be a dick others he's really sweet.

"Y/n you ok?" Roy asks and smiles slightly which makes me smile.

"Yeah I'm ok... I don't feel too good though." Then someone comes marching by and Roy lights them on fire.

About 4 minutes after they were killed lust came out of no where and was teasing Roy with her fake ass tits.

"I'm sorry to intrude but I'm afraid we will win this battle not you." Her calm voice echoed through the alleyway. One of her fingers went through my shoulder and my arm I let out a cry.

"Roy!!" I screamed and another one of her fingers went through my hand. Roy snapped his fingers and she started to burn.

"Don't hurt my sister you dirty bitch!" Roy's flames were incredibly powerful. But not powerful enought for her to stop attacking and she stabbed his side. He cringed and fell to his knees as she slowly regened.

All I could do was watch as she slowly drained the life from Roy. But he smiled at me... why now?


"I told you to do the dishes and clean the counters!" Our father screamed at Roy. He beat Roy till he would bleed or bones would break.

"Daddy... please don't hurt brother... he did the dishes and started the counters til I asked if I could be read a story... I'm sorry." I started to cry seeing that my brother was bleeding and my dad was so angry.

"Its ok y/n..." Roy smiled and he coughs up blood and tears stream down his bloody cheeks.

-flashback over-

I stood up and walked over to Roy and sealed his womb. Lust was surprised that I dodged all of her attacks. I walked over to lust and stared into her eyes as I snapped my fingers and I burned her till he was only ashes.
"Roy... are you ok?" I turned around and smiled at him. He smiled back and stood up and took off his jacket which was ripped badly.

"Am I late? Sorry I was just checking out some pretty ladies who were running away from this area." I heard greed/ling come from the rooftops.

"Hey greed." I waved and smiled. He came down to us and looked at Roy's womb.

"What happened?"

"Just lust attacked." Roy felt the scar that was there. He frowned and noticed my facial expression. I was feeling so sick and pain started to engulf my body.

"Y/n!" Greed and Roy shouted and caught me from falling but I puked as they sat me down.

"Everything hurts! Make it stop!" I started to cry and they both freaked out.

"What do we do? Is she having the baby? Ahhh!!" Roy started to run in circles and as yell in pain every few minutes.

-Riza's pov-

I can hear screamed and shouts evey few minutes. And they are oddly close by.

"Ahhh!!" I hear a women scream. It sounded sso familiar... who was it? Y/N!

"What do we do greed?!" Roy shouts.

I run down all the steps and exit the building.

"Get her up to us!" I shout and the two men pick y/n up off the ground. She looks sick but in pain.

"Ahhh!" She starts crying. I can see pain In her eyes. She's so unsettled... just like younger me.

"Don't worry y/n..." I point to where they put her down and they run back to the battle field.

"Ok y/n I have to wait a bit longer for the contraptions to get closer together... ok?" She nods and shouts in pain. I take off her pants and underwear and wait another minute.

-time skip cause my fingers are alseep-

I cut the umbilical cord and I hear the child cry. I wash it off and hand it to y/n. She's smiling so wide.

"Its so cute... it looks like a baby Alphonse." She laughs out. And checks the gender. "Its a boy" she smiles but looks like something is missing from her smile.

"Girls are better..." I laugh out and she agrees. I think she wanted a girl thats all. I cloth the boy up and feed him.

"I wish I could stay... but I have to go and help." She kisses the little boy and runs down the steps. Damn she's strong... after giving birth not even. 5 minutes she's skinny as hell and is running down steps.

-Roy's pov-

I see y/n smiling as big as I've ever seen and how skinny she is.she's in her uniform but without the jacket. At least she has a shirt underneath cause I don't.

"Y/n!" Me and greed smile back at her. She's so skinny and so active. She has only a few blood spots on her.

"Its a boy!" She smiled and enemy's ran around the corner. She snaps ams the die instantly.

"Hmmm... looks like someone has finally popped." Envy starts to laugh.

"And that means I'm stronger." She smirks and he looks at her.

"Oh so your stronger? Bring it on." Envy charges and kicks y/ns stomach and y/n counter attacks getting in a nut shot on envy.

"Oww! What the hell!" Envy attacks even more. Y/n blocks most of them and then throws envy into a dumpster.

"Sorry. I thought we were only going easy." Y/n stands there and envy starts to attack me. I turn away for a quick second and see a familiar face.

"I said don't cry or ill give you a reason to cry brat!"

~again sorry for not updating for a bit my internet hasn't been working and school is starting tomorrow from today. Man I hate my schedule... I get science classes for the first half of the year... well anyway sorry for the cliff hanger too lol. Anyway hope u enjoyed and night or mornin. Cya~

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