chapter sixteen

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~so I'll be home for a while school will be starting for me soon yay... And I won't have to do much since my doctor said I can't do anything that involves bending over and lifting things... Stupid surgery... I mean everything ok if I don't start talking and blood is just coming from my gums... Very awkward (happened today sadly) well I'll stop grossing you guys out and get to the story~

Roy and Edward leave which means yay... I'm stuck with that thing... If you think about it I'll get fed and I won't be killed. But I'm being held hostage by the imposter soo... It has its ups and downs. Well I guess being tied up isn't bad unless you struggle.

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask waiting for any acknowledgement from the man. He looks at me and then looks at greed.

"What do you think greed? What should we do?" He asks rubbing his beard.

Greed smiles and walks over to me and picks me up. "I'll just show her some cool stuff." He takes me to a room not far. I can tell by how he was acting he didn't want to be noticed.

"Ling... Greed whoever you are please let me go..." I start to squirm. And he drops me making me hit my head on a pole.

"Sorry y/n... I'm trying to get you out but not being caught is hard down here." I heard lings voice. And then I black out.

-an hour later-

"Y/n! You ok? Hello?!" I heard a voice and I was being shaken.

"What!?" I yell out and then groan at the pain coming from my head.

"Ok now that your up I'll get these ropes off... Although keeping them on sounds fun for later... Your creepy stop!" I could hear the two fighting. It was embarrassing knowing people were passing by the alleyway.

"Listen both of you! Shut up and get me out of these or I'll burn you both to a crisp!" They both shut up and greed was the one to take over and get me out of the ropes.

Not much longer we were at Roy's house. No one was home so we waited for ed and Roy to get home. After what seemed like an hour roy, al, and ed walked in the door worried but when they saw me they were happy.

"I'm so glad your ok." Ed hugged me. Then al hugged me.

"I was worried about you." Al said and let go. We all laughed and looked at greed.

"What's with the staring?" Greed asked and stood up. "I saved her yeah what's the deal?"

"Thanks Ling... And greed." I hugged him well both of them and greed smiles.

"Greed got a woman." He looks at ed and laughs as ed glares.

"Ughh not like that... I don't think so." I back away and walk to my room. That was not awkward at all...

"Oh ok I guess not... But I'm free anytime." He says and walks out the door. Sometimes he's a bit creepy... But others he's nice. Greed may not be good or bad. But in the end we all want something we can't have.

Edward walks into my room and sits on the bed next to me.

"I'm just glad your not hurt too bad." Ed kisses my forehead.

"I'm tired... Night. Love you ed." I kiss him and lay down.

"Love you too. But are you gonna sleep in your jeans?" Ed takes off his shirt and shoes.

I get up and take off my pants and lay back in bed. "Better?"

Ed laughs and takes off him pants then his socks and lays in bed next to me.

"I'm comfy in this..." I say while trying to get the blanket over me.

"What about your shirt and bra? That's gotta hurt sometimes."

"Fine..." I take off my shirt and bra and socks and lay in bed. I cover up and face away from him.

"Now that's better." He raps his arms around me. I could feel his warmth and it made me feel better. I turn around so I face him.

"I lied... I'm not tired." I look at him and he smiles.

"It's ok. Nor am I." He starts to kiss me on the lips then down to my neck. A sensation went through my entire body and it felt amazing.

"I have been waiting... To tell you how much I love you y/n" he starts to get on top of me and kisses further down my neck and onto my chest.

"Ed-edward" I am surprised. I've never seen this side of him.

He slowly makes his way down to my hips and looks up at me. "I love you so much y/n. Words can't describe." He then grabs the sides of my underwear and I can't get my arms to move its like my brain says no but everything else wants it.

"I love you too Edward..." Is all I can get out and he continues to take off my underwear and they are completely off and he throws them onto the floor.

He smiles and slides a finger in me and I moan. He covers my mouth and thrusts his finger in and out slowly then adds another finger.

Not too long he takes them out and then takes off his boxers. 'For a short guy like him he's pretty big' I thought and keep myself from laughing at the thought.

He covers my mouth and slowly pushes himself in me and I moan loudly.

"Mmm...." He finally gets all the way in and the thrusts in and out slowly but gets faster. Tears flow out my eyes as I feel him inside me.

"Mmm..." I struggle out and stop crying the pains gone and all I'm left with is pleaser.

-about another 20 minutes of that-

I smile and he hugs me. "That felt good." He laughs out. I nod and close my eyes and fall asleep.

~well there you go a lemon... I am tired so I bet it's not that good. I haven't got much sleep from pain (well thanks music... Im on Pandora listening to pain from three days grace). So like it if you want follow me I have wrote a short soul eater Evans x reader too there's a lemon in that. Umm I guess that's all. I hope you enjoyed it and goodnight. Well for you I have a tornado warning so I'll be up for a bit longer...~

Edward x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें