chapter nineteen

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~hey guess I'm so excited for the next chapters. These next chapters are gonna go by fast so just hang in there and I hope you enjoy.~

-23 hours till promise day-

So Alphonse has moved into our house and seems to be more happy. If he had said something earlier we would have gotten a house.

So promise day is not even a day away and I'm nervous. I know I'm a big role in this so I need to stay healthy. Well since I'm a stone I heal right away and I'm always healthy it won't be hard. But I'm pregnant and its already showing.

This child is mostly human and a bit of the stone since I'm half or each and Edward is just a human. So yes this child isn't what it would seem... its been only a few weeks and I have a small belly which is not normal.

I'm scared because just 2 days ago I didn't have a belly and already I do. Anything can happen in 23 hours and I don't wanna be on the battle field with a giant ass belly.

-20 hours before promise day-

So Roy has gotten fire power for promise day. I can't wait till I get training with them. Hehe... anyway yes I have never shot a gun but that will change today. But I'm scared that what if we can't stop the end? What if we all die? What if we do stop it what will happen? What if the war never ends and the apocalypse starts? The questions. Flood my mind.

-15 hours till promise day-

"Y/n!!" Roy screams out. He walks through the house to look for me. But I'm not there... I'm at the graveyard.

"Maes... I'm sorry you were dragged into this and killed for knowing too much. Envy had the best of you sadly... but I'm having a child if you can't tell. Its growing faster than I thought it would. I bet if you were next to me you'd smile and say how cute it would be. Haha everything would be better if you were here Hughes... everything..." I take a drink and hold my stomach and fall asleep.

"And there she goes again... why can't she tell us where she goes..." Edward starts to get worried.

-10 hours till promise day-

I finally wake up and see that I had cried myself to sleep and was drinking liquor by hughes' grave. I got up and saw that my stomach was a bit bigger.

I walk home and Roy al and ed look a bit upset when they see me.

"Where were y- you look like your gonna burst I'm 2 months and your not even 3 weeks in!!" Roy panics.

"I'm fine and I was at Maes' grave... I fell asleep there." I get up to get my stash of chocolate.

"Y/n you shouldn't be eating chocolate. And you should get rest. I don't think you will be much of a help if you tired." Roy says and motions ed and al to go with him somewhere.

"Ok ill call if something happens." I go to my room and lay in bed to fall asleep.

-5 hours till promise day-

So we are starting to gather up and we have a lot of people helping us. Greed is the only homunculus helping though. And I feel miserable.

Why can't the baby wait till after promise day? It feels as if It wants out now. I'm scared on the stop ill drop and burst then.

-2 hours left-

"Y/n are you gonna be fine?" Al walks over to me who is tagging behind.

"Yeah I just... I'm scared ..." I smile and catch up with the others.

This stomach is a bit heavy but its not slowing be down too much. I do have a weak spot when I am put there. We are about to arrive to were we will be starting the fight with the military.

"Y/n are you sure your gonna be ok out there?" Ed looks worried. I smile to tell him ill be fine.

I sit down in the building we are in and I look out the window next to me. I see the military already out looking for us.

"There already searching." I sigh and Rizal grabs a sniper rifle and she starts sniping some soilders. We watch as they all freak out not knowing where we are.

Not many people came down after that just some scared citizens who we got to join us and help defend the country.

-30 minutes till promise day-

So we are all in our spots and ready to attack at any moment. And I will die at any moment from this thing in me. The past 2 days are worse than when I was in the accident.

Why can't it just be over with?

"Y/n you will be against the homunculi. Remember that they are still human too. If you make burn then fast enough they will not be able to regenerate and will die soon. If you get hit you need to focus on regen andrun away if you have to. Just don't die." Ed holds my hands and smiles. "Lastly remember... I love you and I always will." Edward kisses me and runs to an alley way across the one I'm in.

"I love you too Edward." I shed a tear and the fight of life or death begins.

~hey guys yeah I told you this child is not what it seems. Anyway well I'm gonna go and eat dinner... at 9:13 pm... yes I'm late I know... so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Seeya.~

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