About Time

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I woke up to the sound of an amazing smell of bacon and eggs and also my phone ringing. I sit up and grab my phone off the bed side table.

"Hel, hello who is this?" I ask yawning.

"I don't know maybe your little sis."

"GAB! Oh my god it's you! I'm so happy I can talk to you." I say squealing.

"About time you picked up! I've been calling you for the last hour! Sally, I have a plan!" She says with her devilish voice on. I quickly get up and run to the kitchen and see Harry cooking the eggs and bacon. I give him a quick kiss good morning and point to the phone.

"It's Gab!" I whisper to him. He puts his hand out wanting to talk. I move back and put the phone back to my ear.

"Ok first of all Gab, I'm in London so that means time difference and secondly before you tell me your plan someone wants to talk to you. I'll put it on speaker." I put the phone on speaker and place it on the bench.

"Hello Gab. It's me Harry, nice to finally talk to you." He says smirking into the phone.

"Oh! My! Gosh! That was not just Harry Styles talking to me on the actual phone is it?" She says sounding shocked.

"The one and only. How are you?" He says chuckling.

"I'm so good now! OH MY GOD IT'S HARRY BLOODY STYLES!" I hear Gab scream into the phone.

"Sorry Mrs Palmer!" she shouts probably because she disturbed the neighbourhood. Mrs Palmer was a lady who lived in the next street from me. It makes us both start laughing and Harry comes over and hugs me.

"So Gab what's this plan that you were saying?" I ask.

"Ok well I have to make this quick because I'm almost home from my walk but... I am supposed to be going to camp in two weeks and I tricked mum and dad into thinking that I'm going, they gave me money and everything. But instead of giving it to the teachers I told the teachers I wasn't going and I brought tickets to London for a week to see you." My heart froze when she said that. I look at Harry with wide eyes and he is just laughing his head off quietly so Gab doesn't hear.

"Gab. Wha... What? Are you insane?" I say picking the phone up.

"I think we both know the answer to that now don't we Sally! Oh, what do you know? I'm almost home, got to go! Also I'm coming on Monday at the London City Airport at around... 1pm. Love you heaps, bye!" she says before hanging up.

"GAB! Wait!" I yell into the phone. I am so shocked she seriously did that all by herself. I look over to see Harry on the floor laughing. He takes a huge gasp of air before screaming in laughter. I just kick him and slide down the side of the bench until I'm sitting on the ground with him, but instead of laughing I am completely frozen.

"Omg I can tell already your sister and I are going to be besties!" He laughs sitting up. I look at him really scared and then I look away. What if something bad happens and she gets hurt?

"Don't stress beautiful, she will be fine I know she will." He says after he realises I'm not happy.

"Oh yer! How do you know?" I ask a little irritated.

"Because she sounds EXACTLY like you. She sounds fun, adventures and strong." He says moving my head with his hand so I am looking at him.

"And also very hot!" he says kissing me. I start laughing as we both lay on the kitchen floor with our lips attached. He then starts kissing my neck and I start laughing again.

"Harry stop!" I giggle as he makes funny noises still kissing my neck.

"I just realised you called not only me but also my sister, hot." I say giggling. He stops and looks at me.

"Oh my god I did too! I didn't mean to I just meant that you-"

"Harry I know! You're such an idiot." I laugh.

"I love you." Harry says before kissing me again.

"I love-" BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The fire alarm started going off and Harry jumps up and pulls me up too. Then we look at all the smoke coming from the frying pan.

"Oh no Harry you burnt the bacon! What are we gonna do?" I yell sarcastically. We grab tea cloths and start waving it around so the smoke stops. When we can actually see the kitchen through all the smoke I see Harry still waving the towel around like a crazy person. His face looks horrified like a fire started, it's really funny!

"Harry!" I yell laughing.

"It's all good! It's pretty much gone!" I say grabbing the towel off him and hanging it on a hook. He just gave me an embarrassed look and started chucking the food from the pan in the bin.

"Also before I forget Sal, the tour we are going on is only to Germany, Italy and Poland so it's not too far away. It's in five weeks from now and the boys and I will be gone for a month. The tour starts off small now, but it gradually gets bigger and a lot longer." Harry says opening the bin and watching the food slide off the pan.

"Ok so we still have lots of time together before you leave!" I say already getting chills up my spine of how lonely I am going to feel.

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