Nothing Beats a First Kiss

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I wake up later then Perrie and Zayn so I just join them for breakfast.

"Sleep well last night?" Zayn asks.

"Yes thanks. Right after I had a laugh when you came in and wanted to drink water from the bath." We all laugh except Zayn who obviously doesn't remember.

"I've arranged lunch for you at a restaurant; you might want to spend as much time possible without cameras around because you will certainly miss the privacy." Perrie says after she stops laughing. I nod and go find some clothes to wear.

I get dropped off at the place and walk in. The waiter leads me to my spot and I see Harry sitting there. Immediately he stands up and looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes and he pulls out a chair.

"I ah didn't know you were gonna be here. Zayn said he ordered it for a table for one"

"Perrie said the same thing. We got ambushed." He smirks.

"I can go if you want." He says looking back.

"No stay! I think we need to talk." I say not letting our eyes part. The waiter comes to take orders and then I smile at him.

"Karen called again and I put her straight. She wants us to meet up tonight."

"Niall told me some stuff last night and so did Zayn." I say changing the subject.

"Oh really what did they say?" He sounds worried.

"Just stuff. Look, I got really offended yesterday when I heard about all the girls you've been with. But Niall and Zayn made it a bit better, but I still think that I am just another girl." I say tearing up.

"I don't want to lie to you. I was going to flirt with you and stuff but when I first saw you, when you weren't with the crowd of screaming girls. You stood out. You were the weirdest, prettiest person I have ever seen and I knew you would be different. I promise with all my heart that it's not the baby that's making me stay." He says putting his hand out over the table for me to grab. I thought about it for a second as a joke but then, Harry stands up and walks away. I get up and chase him out. Instead Harry turns back not making eye contact and purposely bumps into me. What is he doing?

"Oh sorry miss." He says looking up at me making our eyes finally meet.

"Harry, what's going on?" I say confused.

"Sorry, I bumped into you miss. I'm Harry Styles, what's your name?" Now I see what he is doing. He is re-meeting me.

"I'm Sally Anasworth," I say shaking his hand. He shakes it for about two minutes never letting our eyes part. Finally I break and start laughing.

"Do you want to get lunch?" He asks. I nod and he takes me to the front counter.

"Hello. May we have a table for two?" He asks with me giggling the whole time.

"Um, sir you already have a table."

"What are you talking about? UNBELIEVABLE serves. Let's go Sally Anasworth." He says pulling me out of the restaurant. I am almost falling over in laughter but I can't stop because Harry pulls me onto a double decker bus. Harry's bodyguard stops the paparazzi from getting on the bus but we still have some fans asking for pictures with him. When he finishes talking to his fans we sit at the top back left hand corner of the bus and he starts talking to me.

"So you from around here?" He asks stupidly.

"Nah mate, I'm from Australia." I say with a weird voice. After that Harry puts his hands behind my head and leans me against the bus before kissing me. It was perfect. When we stop I give him a strange look.

"What?" He asks confused.

"You kissed me on the first date?" I say. Harry chuckles.

"Nothing beats a first kiss." He says and then leans back on me kissing my neck knowing I will start laughing soon.

"Looks like because you kissed me I'm now magically two months pregnant to your baby!" I joke as we kiss.

We had a huge day touring London and we were just walking to our place when I noticed a poster of Harry and me on a news agency saying: 'Pregnant to Harry Styles baby!' we both stood there with our mouths open.



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