Left Out

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Liam just texted Harry and I for a 'meeting' at his and Dannielle's house today. Harry says we are almost at his house now, but I won't know what it looks like because I've never been there.

"Did you know there was a guy that got cut in half the other day?" Harry asks me. I give him a shocked look and shake my head.

"He is all RIGHT now!" Harry chuckles to himself causing me to laugh. I really need to stop laughing at his puns! As I stop laughing I grab the necklace and put it in my mouth. I have a bad habit of putting necklaces and things in my mouth, but this should be an exception because it tastes like spaghetti. We turn into what I am guessing is Liam's house and he stops the car. He grabs my waist and starts kissing my neck. I start laughing and pull away because it tickles when he nibbles on it.

"I love you," Harry says unbuckling his seatbelt.

"I love you too Harry." I say smiling. I am so happy he loves me. We get out and walk down his long driveway to see a beautiful wooden/cottage-like house. It actually surprises me that he didn't go for a humongous, white, cement celebrity looking house. Not that it doesn't look like a celeb lives here! It's still huge! It has a beautiful front lawn. We walk around the back way with our hands entwined and see all the guys and Perrie, Elenore and Dannielle sitting under the huge back porch.

"Hi everyone!" I say for Harry and me.

"Hey guys take a seat." Liam says standing up at the end of the table. All the girls are sitting together but I decide to sit next to Harry. Our hands never part when we are seated and we just play little games under the table with them.

"Ok so now you are all here I would just like to say I called this meeting because we need to start thinking about what we are gonna do next." Liam starts saying.

"I thought that was up to management or something." Perrie says looking at Elenore confused.

"Yes well this year has been a big one with all the distractions and we didn't get to do any tours or concerts." Liam explains.

"What kind of distractions?" Harry says with a tone in his voice. I squeeze his hand hoping that it triggers him to calm him down.

"You know with the baby and everything." Liam says looking away.

"Is that the only distraction? Because that would mean you just call us over here to find a way around, talking about us." Harry look a little annoyed when he says that.

"Look, Harry, Sally. We get you had a lot of stuff on your plate with the child and everything but when you put your future on hold, you kind of put all our futures on hold. Like, imagine what would happen if you actually got to keep the child. We would probably have to break up the band. We feel kind of left out." Louie says trying to be calm. I can see Harry's face expression change.

"Ok well let me tell you something! Yes I came into your life which by the way Harry did! No offence babe. But anyway, it happened and of course Harry would choose to leave for his family. Why don't you guys open your eyes and see that Harry can make his own choices." I yell and then get up off my chair and walk away. I have no idea where to go so I just start walking in a random direction hoping it's the way home.

When I get home I run through the door before slamming it shut. I go straight to our bed and yell at myself in the pillow. I probably shouldn't have been so hard on Harry's best mates. I lose my voice so I have nothing left to do but slowly drift off to sleep.

"SHIT! Thank god. Wake up Sally!" I hear Harry say as he starts shaking me awake.

"What do you want? Thanks for getting my back this morning." I grump at him.

"Babe, you don't think I left straight away? I went looking for you straight after I had a go at the boys, I looked all over Liam's house and I drove around London for four and a half hours looking for you. I only just got back from it then. I love you, and if you ever forget that just look in your necklace." Harry tells me. I get up and look in his eyes. He really means it.

"You are such an idiot. You looked around all of London just to find me while I was at our house the whole time?" He just nods.

"I love you so much." I say. He grabs the back of my neck and kisses me. Yes! Harry starts laying me down on the bed; he is leaning on top of me breathing his hot, steamy breath on me. He starts to pull my singlet down off my shoulders... Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Piss off!" Harry yells while whispering. I agree, we were about to do it again. We get up and go to see who was at the door. As we get closer we hear noises coming from outside. What the hell? I open the door to see Niall, Liam, Louie and Zayn standing there. I cross my arms and raise my eyebrow. Then I see Niall take a deep breath.

"You're so pretty when you cry, when you cry wasn't ready to hear you say goodbye now you're tearing me apart tearing me apart you're tearing me apart" He sings. I smile but then I know Zayn is gonna start.

"You're so London, your own style. Your own style and together you and Harry are so good so girl why, are you tearing me apart tearing me apart. You're tearing me apart." He sings smirking the whole time. I wonder who is gonna sing Harry's part. But then Louie whips a brown curly wig on Liam and put a long brown wig on himself. That instantly made me burst out laughing.

"Did I do something stupid, yer girl if I blew it? Just tell me what I did and let's work through it, there's got to be some way to get you to want me like before." I almost fell over laughing, Louie was cuddling up to Liam pretending it was me and Liam sang Harry's part being all disgusting back to Louie.

"Cause no one ever-"

"Guys! Guys, shut up!" I laugh.

"We are so sorry for being horrible pricks before. We don't know how it feels to have a beautiful precious child of our own and we now understand that family comes first!" Louie says twirling the wigs hair around with one finger as if it was his own hair.

"It's ok I was a little rude to you guys too. Sorry for snapping at you." I say still half giggling from their performance.

"Don't worry Sal; it's not the first time I've been snapped at from you." Niall says laughing. When I was having Anne I must have been really mean! The boys just invite themselves in as usual; they all give me a hug as they walk in. Usually I wouldn't mind them just walking in but Harry and I were just starting something!

We spent the night just talking, watching soccer and mucking around. It was pretty fun but Harry and I were both too tired to do anything tonight which annoyed me but maybe tomorrow?


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