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I was stood in the Canteen queue with Sam, just generally chatting, when Finn walked past. He had his tray of food in his hand, and I could see him glaring at me.
"I'm not sure about this," I muttered to Sam.
"About what?" she asked, confused.
"No one will accept me now, I've pretty much-" I began, the Finn bumped into me, falling to the ground, his food spilling down his shirt.
"Finn!" shouted Sam. I just looked at him, hopelessly.
"Finn, you alright mate?" asked Kyle, running over to him. Josh joined him.
"He just shoved me!" shouted Finn.
"I know, I saw," smiled Kyle.
"I didn't move!" I shouted.
"We all know that's a lie!" shouted Finn back. I shook my head, hopeless. 

"What is going on?" demanded Mrs Fisher, marching over to us.
"Look what he did!" Finn shouted to her, pointing at his shirt and the floor.
"I never!" I answered.
"Finn's lying," pleaded Sam.
"Why do you keep sticking up for him? You know what he's like! A prat!" shouted Finn.
"It's you who's being the prat, Finn," smirked Sam. He shook his head.
"We saw him push Finn," said Josh. Kyle nodded in agreement.
"Go get a bucket of water and a mop from Mr Scotcher," Mrs Fisher instructed me. Sam began protesting, whilst Finn, Josh and Kyle laughed quietly. "The four of you," she added, looking at them.
"But miss, he-" began Finn.
"Just do it! Or you can spend your lunch in the cooler!" she ordered. Tutting, Finn walked out, followed by Josh and Kyle.
"They're lying, miss," pointed out Sam, as I was about to follow them.
"That may be the case, but Jake still has to earn his place here," she said, looking me dead in the eye. I did not answer, but after a short pause, followed the other boys to the caretakers office.

After lunch I had maths, with Mr Chalk. I sat on my own, at the front, but Finn and Kyle had sat down behind me. They kept flicking bits of paper at me, for the whole lesson. Then they changed to pencils. Every time one hit me I took a deep breath, but then one hit my ear, and it actually hurt quite a lot.
"What is your problem?" I shouted, turning round to face them. They giggled.
"That's enough, Jake," instructed Mr Chalk.
"No, sir, look Finn, I'm sorry about earlier, okay. Why can't you just move on?" I snapped.
"You attacked his girlfriend," pointed out Kyle.
"Twisted, sick, little weirdo," hissed Finn.
"Shut up!" I stood up, gripping the edges of my chair.
"Why? It's only a fact... You should be locked up," smirked Finn. The anger built up inside me, until I couldn't take it anymore, and threw the chair at his and Kyle's desk. They both moved back, in shock.

"Jake! Get to the cooler!" Shouted Mr Chalk.
"It's him!" I retaliated, throwing my textbook towards Finn.
"I'm warning you, Jake. Go to the cooler!" He shouted in response.
"Stuff you!" I shouted back. I shoved the desk over and stormed out. I could here Mr Chalk following me, so I began to run.
"Daniel?" Questioned a voice, coming from an adjacent corridor. "Everything okay?" It was Mr Mead. I hesitated to listen.
"Jake Robertson, he just flipped a table. You'll need to follow him,"  panted Mr Chalk.
"Okay," answered Mr Mead, as I began to run again. "Jake!" He shouted, following me. I tried to run as fast as I could, but I knew he was catching up with me. I burst out the front doors, and headed for the school gates. I was nearly through them, when I felt his strong hand on my shoulder.

"Let go of me!" I shouted, struggling under his grip.
"Jake, Jake, Jake," he pleaded. "Jake, listen to me please," he continued. Slowly, I stopped moving, and turned to face him.
"Nobody wants me here," I sighed.
"That's not true," he stated back.
"It is. Finn, Kyle, Josh. Even Mrs Fisher wants rid of me."
"Is that everyone? No. What about Sam?" He continued.
"She just feels sorry for me," I spat.
"What about Ethan?"
"He's better off without me," I said, staring at the ground.
"Hey, come off it," instructed Mr Mead.
"I've just brought him trouble. Don't deny it," I answered.
"You brought him here though. And coming here, that's the best thing that's happened to him in a long while. I get that moving on from what's happened, at home and at school, won't be easy. For either of you. But remember, the only other person going through what you are is Ethan. You need to support each other. And, of course, I'll be here, all the time, for both of you," he smiled.

I nodded, slowly. "Come on, it's bloody freezing out here!" He laughed, shivering. I nodded in agreement, then walked inside, close by Mr Mead's side.
"Do you want me to speak to Finn and the lads?" He asked me.
"Not really. Can't I do it," I asked. He smiled back.
"Sure, you wait in my room, and I'll go get them. I'll let you off going back to maths."
"Cheers," I smirked back, before heading in the opposite direction. He was alright, really, Mr Mead. You couldn't accuse him of not caring.

I was sat on the front work bench when the three lads walked in, accompanied by Mr Mead. I stood up as soon as they entered, and we all faced by each other, Mr Mead hovering by the door.
"Sorry about Maths. I don't know, maybe I was just being naive, but when Mr Mead said he'd support me in staying here, I thought there'd be no trouble," I started. Finn scoffed.
"Give it a rest, Finn," groaned Josh. I smiled at him, and he smiled acceptingly back.
"Yeah, you're right, I was a bit of a prat. I see that now, so obviously, I'm not going to do anything like that again," I continued.
"Yeah, how do you know that," asked Kyle, smirking.
"Look, we were mates at first. Why can't we go back to the beginning?" I said.
"We know what you're like now," said Finn, bluntly.
"But I'm not like that," I pleaded. "Everything got to me, but that's all being sorted now. So I can go back to being a teenager. Having a laugh, mucking about in lessons." I saw Mr Mead frowning.
"I guess you got a deal," said Kyle, shaking my hand. I smiled back at him.
"Eh? What you doing that for!" snapped Finn.
"Leave it, Finn! Can't you see how ridiculous you're being?" replied Josh. Finn shook his head, and didn't answer.
"If we're done here, you guys are welcome to go," interrupted Mr Mead. Josh and Kyle nodded, and turned to leave, so I followed them. Finn was just behind me.

"Fancy coming to the park for a game of footie?" Kyle asked me as we walked down the corridor.
"Yeah, sure, I'm in," I smiled.
"Josh?" said Kyle.
"Count me in, Finn?" answered Josh.
"Not if that losers coming," Finn barked.
"You're the only loser round here, Sharkey," laughed Kyle, running off down the corridor. Josh followed him, so I ran off too, leaving Finn alone in the corridor.

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