Not The Ideal Start

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I approached the gates, Ethan by my side, looking up at the building. All around us it was pandemonium, teenagers running about and shouting across the playground at their mates.
"Jake," whined Ethan, tugging at my sleeve. Initially, I ignored him. "Jake. Jake."
"What?" I snapped glaring down at him.
"I don't like it here Jake," he moaned. "It's noisy and I just-"
"Give it a rest, yeah? It's better than being stuck inside, okay," I snapped.
"But I don't-" he began.
"Urgh!" I shouted at him. "We haven't even got through the gates," I added, storming off.

I could hear him running after me as I headed through the front door.
"Jake, wait, Jake!" he panted as he followed me through the entrance. I had hesitated to work out which way to go, which had given him a chance to catch up with me. He pulled at my arm, and I whipped round to look at him.
"What is your problem?" I shouted at him. The whole room went silent.
"I want to go home, we learnt loads there," he whined.
"Learnt. It's the past Ethan. Move on," I snapped. I could tell everyone was looking at us so I turned and began to walk off.
"But Jake!" pleaded Ethan, grabbing a hold of my arm again. 
"Grow up! Dad hasn't taught, or even though of us for months!" I tried to leave again. Everyone was still staring at us.

"Can't we go home, Jake, please," whined Ethan again. That was it. I turned and grabbed his jacket by his shoulders and pushed him up against the nearest wall. He winced in the pain.
"Just shut up, yeah!" I shouted in his face.
"Hey! Get off him now!" shouted a man running down the corridor towards us.
"Mum was great, okay" I whispered fiercly in his ear. That's all I had time to say before I was pulled back by the man. "But she's dead, Ethan! SHE'S DEAD!" I struggled under the man's grip.
"Calm it, yeah?" ordered the man. A female teacher had also appeared. She turned to Ethan, rubbing him on the shoulder.
"Are you okay?" she asked caringly. He didn't answer and I could tell he was starting to cry.
"Crying isn't going to get you very far," I smirked, looking at him.

"Excuse me," said the female teacher, sternly, walking closer to me. She looked me dead in the eye. "What is your name, boy?"
"Jake Robertson, and you are?" I snapped back. The kids around us sort of gasped in shock and laughed quietly.
"Mrs Fisher," she stated bluntly. My eyes widened. The headteacher. She could read my reaction. "Yes, that's right. You, my boy, have some explaining to do." I looked down at the floor. The male teacher was still holding onto me, but I'd stopped struggling. "You must be Ethan Robertson." She added, looking at my little brother. 
"Yes miss," he said, very quietly.
"Chris, take Jake to my office, whilst I make sure Ethan gets to pastoral care alright." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him nodding at her.
"Come on, you," he said, prompting me down the corridor. Just as we began to walk the bell rang. "And the rest of you, to class. Come on, show's over." They began to talk again, a few of them staring at me, as they headed off in all different directions.

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