Fighting My Corner

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The nurse had come and gone, patching up my cheek, and cleaning Mr Mead's hand, whilst he stared aimlessly out of the window, and I sat silently in the chair. Eventually, Mrs Fisher walked in. In an uncontrollable reaction, I stood up, looking interested.
"Jake," she said sternly, before walking over to talk to Mr Mead. They were trying to whisper to each other, but they really weren't succeeding. "The boy is trouble, how do we know when he'll kick off again?"
"We don't, but what are we going to achieve kicking him out?"
"The safety of all of our pupils, for starters!"
"And the destruction of the rest of his life. No school will take him with a record like his, he'll have no qualifications at all."
"The majority of the pupils are more important than the need of one, it would be a health risk keeping him!" I gulped, nervously.
"He's not even got a home! If he has any hope of not ending up in prison, it lies in stability, knowing he has someone to stand by him. The only chance he has is here!" Mr Mead's voice was rising in volume.

"His chance shouldn't be detrimental to others," she pointed out.
"Karen, the lad would do more harm on the streets than in here! Nobody keeping him in check. Supporting him here, it's our duty. And troubled kids, you know they've always been our priority!"
"Yes, but the boy is past our help!"
"That sounds like giving up on a pupil. I know you, you would never give up on a pupil. That's exactly what you're about to do!" Karen didn't reply for a while, then she sighed deeply.
"Okay, he can stay. But if he mucks up, it's your neck on the line," she shouted, before storming out. Mr Mead watched her leave, then turned to look at me.
"You heard her," he stated bluntly. "You better not muck up!"
"Thanks, sir," I smiled.
"Well, there's  few things you need to do before I keep you your place here. The first, apologise to Sambuca. And then there's some broken glass to deal with," he said. "Come on," he added, leaving the room. I followed him closely, a large grin on my face.

We went straight to Mr Clarkson's class, were the rest of my classmates were. Mr Mead opened the door, and talked in a hushed voice to the teacher, when Finn spoke up. I was hovering at the door.
"Eh, what's he still doing here?" he moaned, loudly.
"Shut it, Sharkey!" barked Mr Clarkson.
"He attacked my girlfriend, and the sicko is still here!" he shouted, getting out of his seat, and marching over to me. I straightened up, and took a step backwards. Luckily, before he reached me Mr Mead intercepted him.
"Any nonsense from you, and you'll be out on your ear. You'd think you knew about second chances," he hissed into his ear. Finn didn't reply, but glared at me, before tutting, and wandering back to his desk.
"Sam, can we have a word?" asked Mr Mead.
"You don't have to go anywhere with that twisted creature!" piped up Finn.
"What did I say, Sharkey? That's enough!" snapped Mr Clarkson. Sam got up silently, and joined us outside the door.

I was stood next to Mr Mead, facing Sam, in silence.
"Jake," he prompted.
"Look, Sam, I'm sorry about how I treated you. Not just today, since I started here," I said.
"And I'm supposed to pretend it's all okay now?" she quizzed.
"I'm not asking you to be best mates, but lets be grown up about this," insisted Mr Mead.
"I messed up! Big time, but I guess, now that I'm stepped back from it all, I can see why you wanted to help us. Or Ethan, whatever. I know we'll never be friends or anything, but can't it be water under the bridge?" I pleaded.
"I need to take a note of this, Jake Robertson admitted he was wrong!" she laughed. I smiled back, when Finn caught my eye from the classroom. I quickly looked away.
"You seem pretty stubborn too," I smiled.
"Yeah, but I'm a girl, so I'm always right!" I smirked at her. 
"Boys are never wrong," joked Mr Mead.
"Jake was, just then," she hesitated. "Maybe we can be friends?" she smiled. "Maybe!" I smiled back at her, when the bell went. 
"Well, off you go," said Mr Mead, turning away. I began to walk in the same direction when Sam told me to wait up.
"I'll just get my bag!" she smiled. I leant against the wall, waiting for her.

"What you hanging around for?" barked Finn, walking up to me. I didn't answer, but stood up straighter. He shoved me back into the wall, and I fell down so I had my knees up by my face, sat on my backside.
"Finn!" shouted Sam, running out of the door. Mr Clarkson followed him. Kyle and Josh were stood by his side, sort of laughing.
"He deserves it! What he did to you!"
"Urgh, he did it to me, Finn not you! So just leave it out!" moaned Sam. Mr Clarkson had pulled Finn back from me, and gently pushed him up the corridor.
"Disappear, Sharkey!" he ordered. He then gently pushed Josh and Kyle in the same direction, "And you pair," he muttered. Sam helped me up, smiling. "You alright, Jake?"
"Yeah I'm fine," I said, brushing myself down. "Starving, though," I added.
"Me too," said Sam. "Come on, canteen," she added, dragging me towards it.

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