Unwanted Visitors

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At the end of the day I snuck out of the back door to retrieve the bottles of alcohol, before heading home. It was five past four when I got through the door, and Ethan was already home.
"Dad awake?" I asked, walking into the living room.
"No," he said, bluntly. I ran upstairs to wake him up, hiding my bag in my room first.
"Dad, Dad." I said shaking him.
"What," he mumbled, half asleep.
"Social workers will be here in under an hour," I said.
"Ah shit," he murmured, jumping out of bed.
"No, Dad, it's fine, okay. You're sober and I've cleaned the house," he smiled at me, "so just jump in the shower," I finished. He patted me on the shoulder, then left. I sighed. Everything was going to plan. Everything was under control. Except Ethan.

Ethan, Dad and I were sat in the living room in silence when the doorbell rang.
"I'll - I'll get it," stuttered Dad, getting up and walking towards the door.
"Just stay calm, Dad" I said, smiling, as he left the room. I then turned to glare at Ethan. He mimed, what?

"The boys are through here," I heard Dad saying to the person at the door. Presently, a young woman, aged around 30, appeared at the door.
"Hi boys," she smiled. Then she turned to Dad, "But I'd like to speak to you first, kitchen?" Dad nodded, and lead the way.
"She seems nice," muttered Ethan.
"Whatever," I sighed. "You just remember to keep your mouth shut."
"She can help though," he snapped.
"Help with what, exactly?" I hissed. He hesitated. "See. There isn't any issue."
"How can you say that? Dad's wasted all the time!" he shouted.
"Shhh!" I hissed. "We don't need her hearing!"
"Yes, we do!" he shouted back. "She needs to fix it!"
"I told you! There's nothing to fix!"
"You're in denial, Jake! Nothing is right anymore! If Mum saw," he trailed off.

I completely lost it. I grabbed him by the collar, and slammed him against the wall. There was a loud bang.
"Don't even mention her!" I shouted. He was nearly crying.
"Why not?" he barked. "She is a part of our lives!"
"Was! And now, this is our life! Here! With Dad!" I shouted. Just as I said this the social worker came running in. Dad followed her, but stood helplessly at the door.
"I thought I heard a bang!" she shouted, pulling me off Ethan. "What on earth is the matter?"
"Nothing," I snapped, pulling away from her grip, and standing by her side.
"Nothing!" Shouted Ethan. "You call this nothing?"
"Yeah, I do! There is no problem. Everything's great," I finished, turning to look at the social worker.

"Great? When Mum died Dad turned to the bottle, he's never left it! He doesn't work nights! He doesn't work at all! He just drinks, drinks, drinks, and lies around, passed out! A mess! Nobody cares for us!" yelled Ethan. I looked at Dad, panicking.
"Why would you tell a lie like that?" I hissed.
"It's not a lie, and you know it! You've tried to protect me, but all you've done is made it worse!"
"Mr Robertson? Is this true?" questioned the social worker. Dad didn't answer. "Boys, I'm going to take you somewhere safe until this is sorted out."
"We're safe here!" I shouted.
"Your brother has expressed a concern. Don't you want him to feel comfortable and happy?"
"You know what? I'm sick and tired of trying my best to do right by him, and him throwing it back in my face," I paused, "I'm done with him!" I ran out the room and up to my bedroom, grabbing my school bag. I tried to run back down the stairs, but the social worker was blocking the bottom step.
"Calm down, Jake!" she shouted. I shoved her out of the way, and headed for the door. I flung it open, then hesitated. I turned to Ethan. "I hope you're proud!" I snapped, then left the house and ran down the street.

I'd been walking around for about an hour, when I finally decided to take a seat on a park bench. I stared up at the sky, it was not yet dark, as my stomach groaned. I hadn't eaten since lunchtime, and it was now well after six. Looking into my bag, I found my wallet, and on opening it I discovered I only had £1. I threw it furiously back into my bag, and heard it bang against one of the bottles in my bag. I stopped, and stared at them a bit longer. Then, I pulled out a can of cider, and pulled it open. Slowly, I began to drink it. Before I knew it, the can was empty. The rest of the night passed slowly, as I drank another few cans, and tried to get some sleep. Once it was properly light again, I started wandering around a bit. I wasn't fully aware of where I was going, but my feet seemed to take me to the school gates. It was 10 o'clock, and kids were moving between their first and second classes. I was just generally staring at the building when something caught my eye.

Sambuca and Ethan were stood on the steps into the school. She was hugging him tight, with a big grin on her face. It appeared she was congratulating him. I could feel the anger bubbling up inside me, but I didn't move. I waited for her and Ethan to leave, then grabbed a bottle of vodka from my bag, and gulped down a quarter of it. Then, bottle in hand, I sprinted into the school and through the corridors.

Waterloo Road - Moving On [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora