Causing Problems

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"Take a seat, please, Jake," said the man, opening the door to the office. Headteacher, was branded on it. I walked in and hesitated. "Just at the table," he added. I took my bag off and pulled the nearest chair out, and slumped into it.
"I understand it's your first day," he said looking at me. I tried not to make eye contact.
"Yeah" I muttered.
"I hope you didn't begin as you intend to go on," he said sternly. I slowly nodded, still not looking at him. "Right, well, I'm Mr Mead, deputy head," he continued, pulling out the chair opposite me, and sitting down. For a moment, the room fell silent. "Are you going to tell me what that was about?" he questioned.
"Family stuff. None of your business," I answered, bluntly.
"It is if it causes problems in school," he pointed out. I sighed and shook my head.

"Look at me, Jake," insisted Mr Mead. Reluctantly, I looked up. "Ethan looked pretty upset to me. Something's clearly up, and I will find out what," he continued. "So, Jake, you might as well tell me now."
"Like I said, it was nothing. Nothing important," I said, trying to sound sure of it.
"I'm sorry about your mother, Jake. We want to help you, okay. But we can't do that if you don't open up to us."
"How?" I demanded.
"It's in your file. And we have a right to know, so we can provide support. Plus you practically screamed it to the whole school," pointed out Mr Mead.
"I don't need support. It was ages ago. I'm over it. Forgotten about her."
"Now that's not true, and I know it." He leaned forward in his chair. "She may not be here anymore, but she will always be a part of your life."
"Yeah, okay" I sighed.

"So, now we've established that, I'll ask again. What caused you to attack your brother like that?"
I paused for a second. "Look, we were home schooled by, by mum, and Ethan wants us to get a tutor or something. Only 'cause that is all he's ever known. He was just doing my head in, not wanting to give this place a go. Whining, you know." I shrugged. "I lost it."
"And you want to be here?"
"Better than being at home. People my own age," I pointed out.
"I see where you're coming from. Where you're both coming from," he said nodding. "Remember, Ethan is 5 years younger than you. He will think very differently, and react very differently, regarding big changes. Surely you want to support him in that, and in time, he will warm to being here. And if he doesn't, then me and you and the rest of the staff will support him in working out what is best for him."
"Yeah, I'm sorry, sir," I said
"Thank you," he smiled. "Lets get you to your first class," he added standing up and opening the office door. 

I followed him, waiting in the secretary's office. "Janeece, do you have Jake Robertson's timetable?" The secretary rummaged through some sheets of paper, before handing one to me.
"There you go." I smiled back.
"Right, what have you got first?" said Mr Mead looking over my shoulder. "Double english. You know where that is?"
"Think so," I replied walking towards the door. Mr Mead followed me till I was on the stair well. Mrs Fisher was coming down the adjacent corridor. She stopped next to Mr Mead, and spoke to him in a hushed voice. However, it was quiet, and I could hear what they were saying.
"Get anything out of him?" she asked.
"A bit yeah, but definitely not the full story."
"Ethan kept quiet about what went on down there, but he's clearly upset about his mother still."
"I tried to make Jake understand that we only want to know for his sake, but I don't think he can see that."
"Doesn't sound like Jake will be the one to tell us what the matter is, but Ethan, I think he wants to."

Ethan, I thought to myself, the cause of all my problems.

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