“Knowing you, you’ll think of something” he said pulling me to the basement.

My guitar was propped against the couch which reminded me tomorrow was the due date for my song in music class.

 “Dude I’m so nervous for the presentation in music class tomorrow” I said to Eric. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze as he brought me over to the couch and took my guitar handing it to me.

“Will you play it for me?” he asked giving me the puppy dog look. Damn it, he knew I could never resist that look.  I inhaled a deep breath and started strumming. I took another deep breath before singing.

The twinkling in his eyes made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

“So what do you think?” I asked after playing the song.

 “Wow” he breathed. Then he started clapping. “Everyone’s going to be blown away” he smiled encouragingly I laughed at his goofiness and set my guitar down. 

“No really you’re amazing Lor. You are so good at writing songs” he gushed. I blushed and hid my face behind a cushion. He chuckled before moving closer to me. He took the pillow away from my face and I jumped back a bit surprised at how close he was. He grinned then kissed my cheek.

“You’re so cute when you blush” he laughed but stopped and stared into my eyes. I suddenly felt self conscious because of the look he was giving me. I got up and walked over to my movie collection trying to avoid his gaze. His comment made me blush even more. I cursed under my breath. What was this boy doing to me?

The rest of the day Eric and I lounged around my house doing nothing in particular, just watched movies and fooled around. Mom called late that evening telling me that she was staying over at Auntie’s place and that dad would be home late.

Eric and I were in the living room watching a movie. A yawn escaped my lips as I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Is my princess tired” he said ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes and punched him as hard as I could hoping that I left a bruise, but all he did was laugh, causing me to be more mad.

“It’s not funny you numbskull” I hissed. He only chuckled at my response. Apparently this was very amusing to him.

“Do you want to go to bed now?” he asked. I shook my head and sat up straighter on the couch.

“I want to say goodnight to my father first” I told him. He simply nodded his head and went back to watching T.V.

Half an hour later we heard jiggling in the lock and then my father stepped in. I jumped off the couch and tackled him into a bear hug.

“Whoa there warrior you’re not as light as you used to be” I let go and scoffed.

“What’s up with everyone calling me heavy? First Eric now you” I whined. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. Eric came over to stand next to me.

“Hey bud” dad smiled and gave Eric a fist pound. Eric and I followed him into the kitchen.

“So Eric has your dad talked about me and him getting a promotion?” dad asked happily as he went to the fridge and got the leftover lasagne from last night’s dinner.

“Yeah, he told me that his boss will be promoting both of you two sometime in the near future” Eric replied to my father.

I sat down at listened quietly to my father and Eric had a conversation about both Mr. Mitchells and dad’s work about the law firm.

Couple of minutes later I got up bored with their conversation and went upstairs to my room.

When I got to my room I closed the door quietly and went to my bathroom to have a relaxing bubble bath.

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora