Chapter 2

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Mikey's POV

Since I told them 15th street instead of 5th street by accident, we had to rush there so we could leave some money in the telephone booth before the pizza guy came.

We were running across the rooftops doing front flips, back flips, every and any find of flips! We couldn't waist anytime if we wanted to get there.

Raph and I were running side by side. All of a sudden Raph stopped running. It didn't take me long to realize that, so I ran back to him.

"We have no time to waist Raph!" I complained.

"I think that's worth waisting time for," Raph said pointing to an alley.

Purple Dragons, great, now we'll never make it on time.

"I guess we can stop the dragons, then order pizza again," I said.

"I don't wanna waist the pizza guys time though," Raph stated.

I sighed. What else could we do? I couldn't let the purple dragons rob that man.

"I have a plan, Raph said. "How about you go get the pizza, while I stop the dragons. I'll phone you when I'm done, and we'll met up somewheres."

"You sure you can handle the purple dragons alone?" I asked concerned.

"Of corse I can, they're the purple dragons!" Raph stated.

He was right. The purple dragons are pretty easy to beat.

"Okay," I said.

"Good luck," Raph wished me.

I smile and went on with my journey. Pizza guy here I come!

Leo's POV

My space heroes episode finally finished. I decided to go talk to Mikey. I felt kinda bad for ignoring him.

I looked in the kitchen. Nobody was there. I knocked in his door. No answer. I checked the lab. Mikey wasn't there, but Donnie was.

"Hey Donnie," I said. "Do you know where Mikey is?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"I have no clue," he responded. "The last time I saw him was at least twenty minutes ago."

"Okay thanks," I said.

I checked the garage. No sight of him. I decided to go ask Raph if he saw him.

I went to his room and knocked on the shut door. Only one problem. He wasn't there either!

I watch a tv show for half an hour, an I lose two of my brothers, great.

I went to the dojo where Master Splinter was meditating. I didn't want to disturb him, so I sat next to him and didn't speak.

It wasn't too long until Splinter said something.

"Yes Leonardo."

"I was wondering if you've seen Mikey and Raph, I'm not sure where they are," I asked hoping that he knew where they were.

"Yes, they are topside," he answered.

"Alone!" I asked worried.

"Leonardo," Splinter said calmly. "The two of them together will be fine. If not, I'm sure they will phone you."

I thought for a moment. I'm not sure why I got so worried there. I remembered that we split up sometimes.

"Thanks sensei," I said getting up.

"No problem Leonardo," Splinter said.

Although I'm kinda bummed that they didn't wait for my show to finish so I'd come, I'm glad to know where they are.

Even though I'm sure they're fine, being the over protective leader I am, I decided to phone Mikey to make sure they're alright.

~On the phone~

"What's up Leo?"

"Nothing much, what's up with you?"

"Just waiting for the pizza guy to show up," Mikey answered.

"You ordered pizza?"


"Where are you?"

"15th street."

I thought for a minute. Why would he get pizza on fifteenth street if we normally get it on fifth street. The more I think about it, fifteenth street is pretty far away!

"Can I talk to Raph?" I asked.

"He's not here now."

"What do you mean?" I asked getting nervous. Where is he?

"He went to stop the purple dragons," Mikey said calmly.

"So you ordered pizza while Raph was fighting? Alone!" I asked worried.

"It's a long story, he told me to leave him," Mikey explained.

"I'm coming," I said.

"Leo, I'm fine..."

"I'll be at fifteenth street in ten minutes, you better be there," I said.

"Okay okay," he said.

"Bye," I said and hung up.

~Off the phone~

"C'mon Donnie," I called out. "We're going on nightly patrol."

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