"But I still hurt you,"

"And you've apologized every time," She said resting her head against the door like me, this time it was my turn to look at her. Connecting to her hazel eyes, she stared back waiting for any response from me, but we were interrupted by my phone vibrating. Taking it out of my pocket, I looked at the screen reading what Luke had replied to me.

No. Not yet.

Luke's P.O.V.

We had been talking for hours now in the same positions next to each other. It had felt so easy, so free, to be speaking to her, as if nothing bad had ever happened between us. I always kept a hand or just any body part in contact with her at all times to make sure that she was still there with me. She was the first to fall asleep, listening to me ramble on and on about the new music we had been writing for the past few days, but I couldn't blame her because I was exhausted by now too.

I didn't close my eyes right away, the sight of her was too precious to look away from. I was resting my hand on my head watching the way she slept, she looked the same as she did months ago, but different at the same time. I could see the way her eyes looked a little more sunken as if she was tiring herself out a lot more than she should be. Her hands were held up resting against her face and I could see the blisters on her fingertips and her palms that almost matched mine from all the late nights glued to the guitar, constantly writing songs. She was tired, and so was I, but at least we could be fucking exhausted together.

Carefully, I moved a strand of hair from her face, but even with my light movement, she woke up slightly. Without having to open her eyes, she scooted closer to me, snuggling her face into my neck while I wrapped an arm around her. I could feel her place a lazy kiss on my jawline before mumbling.

"Please be here when I wake up," She spoke softly

"I will,"

It wasn't a little later after that, feeling her soft breaths blowing against my neck that I began to relax and let myself fall asleep. When I woke up the next morning, it was her this time who I found staring at me. Her head was rested on her arm while the other was placed on my neck, running her fingers on the hair on the back of my head ever so slightly in an attempt to keep me from waking up.

"It's ridiculous how pretty you are, Luke," she let out making me smile

"And it's ridiculous how beautiful you are, Josie," I replied barely able to let my voice go any octave higher since I had just woken up. My throat was dry and raspy, but it fit the environment so to speak. All was quiet. I hadn't even remembered the rest of my surroundings until I laid flat on my back rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes as my vision got clearer. We were still in the room of Alex's party house.

"Shit- do you think there are still people here?" I questioned letting out a yawn as I sat up slowly hearing her let out a sigh

"We could check," she shrugged before sitting up with me, placing a kiss on my cheek and leaving her face inches from mine until I turned my head. I didn't care about the morning breath, and hopefully she felt the same because I didn't even hesitate when I placed my lips on hers. Although my lips were chap from the dry morning, hers still remained soft and unbelievably irresistible to me. She pulled away, laughing when my head followed her motions making me fall forward a little in search of her.

"We can continue that later," she smirked before lazily sweeping her legs off the bed and standing up. Her robe was hanging loose now from the night's sleep. One shoulder was bare as the robe hung on the other yet the fabric still managed to remain tied around her waist covering the most important parts. She looked stunning in the morning even if her make up was slightly smudged and her hair was in a mess, I found myself getting snapped out of my own mind once I saw her holding out her hand for me to take.

"Get your ass out of bed," she spoke once I stood up intertwining my fingers in hers. Reaching the door, we were reminded of the most significant element needed in opening the door, at least from our side of the frame, the door knob.

I called Ashton, hearing him answer groggily seeming as he had just barely woken up as well.

"Hello?" He questioned

"Hey, are you still at the house?" I asked

"Yeah, I told Alex what happened and he gave me the keys to lock up since he's on his way to his honeymoon," he explained

"Could you open the door then, please?" I asked before beginning to hear footsteps coming from the opposite side of the door. The two of us backed up letting the door open as we finally got a glimpse of everything outside of this room. It was a mess from the party, something that a cleaning crew would not enjoy, but we easily maneuvered through the home seeing Julia still waking up on one of the couches on the bottom floor.

"You guys slept here?" Josie asked still holding my hand in hers as she spoke

"If we didn't, you two would've been locked in there for forever," Julia yawned letting out a lazy chuckle

"Where are Cal and Mike?" I asked

"They left when the party ended," Ashton shrugged giving a sad look to Josie before I heard her let out a soft "oh". They didn't know yet.

Josie's P.O.V.

I found myself pressing myself up against the side of Luke trying to find comfort in the fact that his two best mates still hated me at the moment and I could tell that he noticed by the way he gripped on a little tighter to my hand silently letting me know that he was there.

"I want to talk to them," I suddenly blurted out letting my mind move a million times faster than my mouth

"You sure? We could- we could maybe grab breakfast? Or something," Ashton suggested not having faith in how positive the guys might respond to my presence if I actually did speak to them. But this was something that I didn't want to hold off for any longer. 

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