Memory Loss Chaper 4

Start from the beginning

Once I was dressed, I came out from the washroom, and Damen looked me over. A hospital gown does no one justice. Although it was comfortable, these just felt right. he led me out of the room and then down the hall towards an elevator. When we got into it and the door closed it took me slightly by surprise, I did a little jump. Damen gave me a sideways look and he pressed a button on the wall and the elevator started to move. I held on to wall the entire wat down trying to not alert Damen to my being nervous. Turns out I was on the 6th floor of the hospital.

Once we got out of the elevator Damen started to giggle and said "you're afraid of elevators? Why didn't you just say, we could have taken the stairs." He tried to hold back his laughter but failed miserably.

"Well Damen, I never knew that I hated them. It was unexpected for me to go in and it all of a sudden start going down." Uh-oh I think I just blew my chance of him not knowing about me not having any memory. He brushes off my remark like it was nothing. I'm beginning to like this guy more and more. He's the first person I've met who hasn't questioned me about my past or what I can remember. It's nice, I like being with him, I feel normal when I'm around him and not someone who doesn't even know their last name or where they grew up.

We walked towards a exit door and my heart started beating faster. I was finally getting to go outside and feel the breeze that was rustling the leaves on the tree for myself. He first took me to a beautiful garden. There were so many flowers I didn't know where to start! There were tall red ones, small white ones and some that had spikes on their stems. This was the most beautiful thing I have seen.

My voice came out different than before, must be from the excitement. It made Damen smile. "What's this one called?" I went to pick up one of the tall red ones. It pricked me and I started to bleed "OW!" The little spike from the stem plunged into my thumb when I went to grab it.

"Careful now, roses have thorns have you never touched a rose? Woman always ask for them on Valentine's Day." He said with a puzzled look on his face. I think it's getting to the point where my memory gap is starting to show more and more. A little worried with how he will react I ask what must have been the dumbest question he has ever heard from the shocked expression on his face.

"What's Valentine's Day?" I think it rings a bell but I'm not too sure. The same when little man... I mean Jim asked what my favourite holiday was. I answered with Thanksgiving, but I didn't fully grasp what that was. The look on Damen's face showed that he thought I was either joking or plane insane, or both. But the look on my face I think showed him just how serious I was. I think we have finally reached the point where the only person I know who isn't a doctor gets let in on the I have no memory club. I hope he doesn't freak out or run off. Before I could start my explanation to him he has a worried expression on his face and asks, "I'm sorry to ask this and sorry if it sounds rude. But are you okay? Are you sick?" He looked concerned when he said that. Could it possibly mean that he cared for my well-being? No that couldn't be, he doesn't even know me. It was more likely the worry of him getting in serious trouble from taking a hospital patient out not just from her room, but the hospital. Let alone a girl he has no idea has no memory.

I'm hoping my gut is right about this guy..."Damen I should tell you something, so you won't think I'm bonkers." I go towards and take a seat down on a bench not too far away from where we were standing and patted the seat beside me to motion for him to sit with me. He slowly moved towards me and took a slightly hesitant seat next to me. I started out by telling him why I was in the hospital and how I have no recollection of my past. Then I told him the only few parts that I do remember, about how I remember standing in a meadow or a forest of sorts and that there were some weird carvings on one of the trees. I even told him how when I first saw him, he looked somewhat familiar to me. Finally telling someone everything was nice, but also terrifying. And that's when it started to get a little weird.

"Really? You have no memory whatsoever?" He asked astonished but taking in all the information I just offloaded onto him well. I let out a small breath of relief, not realizing I was holding my breath this whole time. "Nope nothing, that's why I don't get how I think I know you. Maybe you're helping to trigger a memory" I was very excited at the sound of that and hoped that it could be true. And this is where the weird began.

"Bella, thank you for trusting me with all of that. I know we just met and everything and this may sound a little crazy, but you look familiar to me to. Like I've met you before or seen you before, I don't know what it is but you're just there in my mind trying to tell me how I know you, but nothing clicks." He said looking down at his hands and looking back up at me. What is happening? Is this guy messing with me? Trusting someone you just met with your sort of whole life story is terrifying, and I'm nervous now.

"Damen, what little I know about me and who I am is a big deal to me. And I don't appreciate being made fun of." It was sad how one day you know your whole life then who knows how long later you wonder who you are and where you came from. Damen looked pained when I said that to him. He was not making fun of me, he was being serious... and I have no idea which is worse.

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