The Poison 2/2

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I just want to say thanks to all those who have been following this story.  Love you guys!


 “Just sleep; we have you now,” Mark soothed.  His voice scared me; I thought he had been asleep.  He seemed so peaceful with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.  Images of Roland and what he had done to me flashed through my mind.

“But... what if-?”  I sat up and stared through the empty window next to our bed.

“It’s okay.  I'll be wide awake and watch you sleep, if it makes you feel better.  I’ll keep you safe, even as you dream,” he promised.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling.  “I have a question.  A very serious question.  And I need you to answer seriously.”

“Okay, shoot.”  He took a look at me and laughed.


“You look like you’ve fallen down a hole and into wonderland.  Your hair’s even sticking up.”

“I feel like I have,” I mumbled.

“What’s your question?”

“What are we, exactly?  Vampires, angels, demons, I get all that stuff, but what did you mean by our “natural” bodies?” I asked.

“We are, officially, spirits roaming the earth. We’re technically vamps but while we sleep our spirits roam and we’re not allowed to come back to our natural bodies until we’re given permission by the leaders to. And that’s usually not until there’s some kind of war.”

“Won’t our bodies be ruined if we’re not protecting them?”

“Only vamps can access them, and you have to have special permission to enter certain parts of the temple they’re in.  Even when you get that permission you can only access your body or the body of the one you are bonded with.  Each sarcophagus has a spell over it.”

“What if one vampire goes bad and decided to kill them all?”

He sighed.  “One already has.”

The thought of Antonio – sorry, Roland - popped in my head and I gasped. I remembered how attracted I had been to him a few times and felt embarrassed.  I thought to change the subject – and quickly.  If Mark has really been my husband for three thousand years, then he should be able to read my face very well... talk about embarrassing. 

“So... We’re married?”

He smirked.  “Yes.”                

“And... we have a child?”

He smirked again. “Yes.  Many, in fact.”

“How many?”

He thought about it.  “Four hundred and thirty-two.  That lived.”

“F-four hun-hundred and thirty-two?  And there were more that died?!?!” I exclaimed.

“We have been together for nearly three thousand years.  What else did you expect us to do?” he smirked, lowering his voice so as not to wake Lucy.

“So we...”

“Had sex, yes. Many times!  And, damn, it gets better with time!”

“I don’t believe that.”

“You had better, because as soon as you remember, you’re going to want to do it again soon!  You can never resist me for too long,” he smirked.

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