"You seriously thought I'd expose your secret!!? Just because I said I liked you?! Your hilarious!!" I turned even redder. "N-no!! It was because of the rumor..." I muttered towards the end. He stopped just outside the nurses office.

He looked down at me completely clueless. "Rumor?" He asked. I blushed and fiddled with my fingers. "You know... The one about us...." I looked up at him embarrassedly. "What about us?"

I looked away in utter embarrassment. How could he not know! He started it didn't he!!? "About us... Being you know like a... Thing..." How more awkward can this get!!? For a second time that day Ikuto busted out laughing.

"Seriously!!? I had no idea about that rumor!! I thought you were talking about the other one!" He finally settled down. "What other one!!!" I screeched. He laughed again and opened the door.

"Ikuto! Tell me!!! What other rumor!" He smirked and the nurse looked up from her desk. "Miss Hinamori, back again?" She shook her head and stood up. "What is it this time?" She asked. Ikuto set me down on the bed.

"I tripped and hurt my head." I said it like it was the truth. Ikuto glanced at me and gave a small frown. I looked away focused on the nurse. She sighed and grabbed and ice pack.

"Better stop being so clumsy!" She warned. I laughed and stood up but wobbled a bit. "I'm fine! Not even phased by it!" I proclaimed. She studied me for a moment before giving me a lollipop and sending us on our way.

I unwrapped my sucker as me and Ikuto walked back to gym. "Do you always lie to the nurse?" Ikuto asked, grabbing my hand. "Not usually... It was basically only the second time I've ever been to the nurse honestly." I explain, sucking on my sucker after wards.

"The first was when you got punched right?"  He asked. I nodded. "Yeah... I wasn't gonna go to the nurse but Utau dragged me there." I smiled at the memory. "Oh yeah!! I seen you I wondered what was happening."

I laughed nervously and sweat dropped. "Haha yeah..." "Hey how come you got a sucker and I didn't!! I carried you all the way there!" He pouted. I laughed. "There was a jar of them on her desk, you could of took one." I teased him back.

"Give me a lick of yours!" He reached for mine. I veered away from him. "Get lost! This is my lollipop!" I stuck my tongue out at him. He suddenly took my sucker and stuck it into his mouth.

"Mmm! My favorite flavor!!" I glared at him and crossed my arms in a pout. "You big meanie, I'm the one who got hurt." I muttered. He took it out and waved it in front of me. "It's all yours." "Ew! It's already been in your mouth!"

He laughed. "There was a jar in her desk you could go back and grab another." He mocked me. I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck the lollipop back into his mouth. Meanie! He stole my

The bell rang as we neared the gym. Kids poured out and Saaya walked up to me. "Ikuto-kun!!" She then glared at me. I rolled my eyes. "Move Saaya." Ikuto simply stated, he was completely done with her shit.

Her jaw dropped as me and Ikuto walked around her. I laughed and went into the gym to change. After changing into our normal clothes Ikuto walked me to my locker and then to my class.

"Alright class lets get started-" "pst!! Amu!!" I heard a voice. I looked over to see Rima. I blushed. "What?!" I whispered back. She smirked. "How come Ikuto walked you to class? And you two were almost late, no doubt Ikuto was late for his class!"

I blushed a deep deep red and could hear my heart starting to pound. "N-no reason. He was only walking me back from the nurses office..." She leaned back in her chair. "Mhmm..." A mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I'm telling the truth!" I said a bit louder. "Ladies! Is there something you want to share!?" The teacher glared at us. Rima glared back. "No sensei." She simply stated. He sighed. "Then stop talking during my lecture!"

I rolled my eyes and paid attention as he began to talk again. After the bell rang I walked out with Rima and we walked to our next class together. As soon as we got in there Naji came over to her. "Hello Rima, how was your day?" He asked politely.

She glared at him. "Get away!" She glowered. How rude!! I think Naji's very nice for being in 11th grade! I gave a small smile to Naji and he returned the gesture. I then sat down and kept silent throughout the lecture.

My eyes snapped open and I was suddenly aware of everyone leaving. I stood up quickly grabbing my stuff while wiping my slobbery mouth. I walked out of the class just in time to see Ikuto walking this way.

I smiled and caught up with him. He looked down at me and smirked before turning his attention back to Kukai who was at the moment telling some epic story about snowboarding in the mountains last summer.

I really don't know why I'm walking with Ikuto to his locker but whatever. My arm was suddenly grabbed and I looked over to see Yaya. I stopped as the others walked on. "What is it Yaya?" I asked in my shy facade. She frowned.

"I need someone to help me with my homework!! I don't know how to do any of it!!" She wailed. I sweat dropped. "Is that all? Then let me see it." I took the papers she pulled out away from her folder and read them over.

"Oh I took this last year!!" I said. She smiled and got all excited. "Really!? Will you help me then?!" I laughed and nodded before explaining the homework to her. I even gave her a few of the answers.

She bounced off happily after I got done and I shook my head, chuckling at her. I walked to my locker knowing I had to hurry to get to class in time. When I got there Ikuto was waiting for me.

I smiled but blushed deeply. "Yo! Where you'd go?" He asked, stepping aside so I could get into my locker. I heaved a sighed. "Yaya needed help on homework." I explained. He nodded.

"Hey, Utau and I are having friends over tonight, wanna come?" He asked casually. I smiled. "Utau already asked me." I responded, pulling out my book for my next class. I closed my locker and looked up at Ikuto.

He raised an eye brow. "When?" He asked. I laughed and pointed to my bruised eye before walking away. Ikuto ran to catch up with me, walking me to class again. "So are you coming then?" He asked. I giggled. "Sure, I guess..." He smirked. "Good! See you after class then." He then veered off to the right.

I laughed quietly to myself, shaking my head as I entered my next class. I sat down and began to work on the assignment the teacher gave us the other day. It was a research paper that was due tomorrow and she was giving us time today to finish it up.

I hope this class goes by fast! I really want to meet up with Ikuto and the others after school!!

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