"But how do you explain the photo of her laying on your bare chest?" My voice cracks a little. It is still so painful to think of that picture.

"I told Ryan this morning, when he asked the same thing, Kelly invited herself to come stay on the bus, along with her cousin Jessica the first weekend you and Harper flew to Nashville. She asked to speak with me and that was the first time she tried to convince me to give her a chance. She kept inferring she was better for me than you."

"Later that night, I couldn't sleep because I was worried about Harper being so far away, at Renee's. I was exhausted so I did something I rarely do. I took something to help me sleep. It totally knocked me out, until I woke up from a dream, to discover Kelly cuddled up next to me kissing me."

"She did what?" I exclaimed.

"She let herself into my room while I was asleep and crawled into bed with me. I had no idea until the kiss, so my guess is that's when she took a bunch of photos of us. She must have used one of them to show you."

My head is reeling. I don't know what to believe and it must show on my face, because I can see the fear in Hunter's eyes.

"Honestly, Lid I'm telling your the truth. Ask the guys. They were there. They heard me threaten to get a restraining order on her if she didn't stay away from Harper and me" The panic in his voice is evident. "I'm going to go find Matt. He can vouch for me. Please, just promise me you'll wait here until I get back."

He stands and heads for the door. He gets about half way there when I realize that I trust him. I know in my heart he's never lied to me. Hunter is an honest man and that's  one of the many reasons why I love him. "You don't need to go. I believe you."

He stops and turns to look at me. I can still see doubt in his eyes. It breaks my heart. "Are you sure? I don't mind searching for Matt. Heck, I'll go find the whole band and bring them in here if you want. Just tell me what you want me to do?"

"I want you to come back and talk to me."

Before I can say another thing he is sitting next to me on the couch, "Are you positive you trust me? I don't want you to say it if you don't mean it."

I shake my head. "No, I mean it, I know you would never lie to me."

"Oh thank you, Lord. He says as he pulls me into his arms. "I don't know what I would do, if you didn't believe me. Your opinion means more to me than anyone's"

I smile and hug him back tightly, trying to reassure him that we are okay. When we pull apart he reaches down for my hand. Neither of us wants to end the contact that brings us comfort. "Did Ryan also share with you, that she told me she's pregnant with your child?"

"Yes." He says as he looks deeper into my eyes. "I swear to you, IF she is pregnant I am not the father. I have never slept with Kelly."


Hunter's POV

"It's okay. I believe you." She says as she squeezes my hand. "Now, that I know what she's capable of, I know you would never want to be with her. She's not your type."

"Ah, no. I'm pretty sure when we discussed my perfect girl awhile back, lying and scheming wasn't on the list." I say jokingly, in an attempt to lighten the mood.

She giggles. "It wasn't but if you want to add them, we can."

Her beautiful smile is back and I'm thrilled. "No, I'm good, thanks. Besides I don't even need that list any more."

"You don't? How come?" She asks playfully.

I realize now, is the perfect time to tell her how I feel about her. So I take a deep breath and grab on to both of her hands. "Because I've already met my "Dream Girl" so there is no need to continue looking."

Her eyes grow big. "You have?"

"Yes, I have and you and I both know it's you." Her cheeks turn pink. "Since the first day I met you at Starbuck's, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. You're beautiful, smart, compassionate, loving and witty. You are more than I ever dreamed of. I love you so much Liddy Deans."

I want to hug and kiss her so badly, but she's crying. God, please let those be happy tears. "Is everything okay?"

She shakes her head, yes and uses the back of her hand to wipe away some of the tears. "I'm sorry for the waterworks, it's just that I have wanted to hear you say those words to me for months and every time I hoped you would Kelly said or did something to prevent it."

"I promise, I'm never going to let her hurt us again." Then I pull her into a hug.

After a few seconds she pulls back just enough so she can look into my eyes. "What do you mean by the word "us" exactly?"

I can't help but smile. She is absolutely adorable. "I mean "us" as in an exclusive couple. Is that okay? or am I rushing you?"

"No, I've wanted that for so long. You have no idea." Then she smiles brightly. "I love you too, Hunter. I hope you know that. I fought it for awhile because I was afraid of how it would complicate things with Harper, but eventually, I couldn't deny it any more."

I feel like my heart is going to burst. I pick her up and swing her around until we are both laughing and dizzy. Then I place her feet carefully on the ground and pull her in for a kiss.

As soon as our lips touch I feel a jolt of electricity run through me body. I've always experienced a surge of excitement whenever we kiss, but now that I know she loves me, it has intensified. It's as though wherever our bodies touch, I'm on fire. 

When she grabs the label on my tuxedo jacket and pulls me closer, I reach around and run my fingers along her exposed back causing a moan to escape from both our lips. I quickly begin to loose myself in her. My arms start to tremble and I have the sense that I am falling. I can barely breath my heart is pounding so fast. 

It's not until I hear some people walk by the door, that I remember where we are. It take every ounce of willpower I have to step back from her alluring embrace. When I do all I can see is her beautiful chocolate brown eyes begging me to kiss her again. Lord help me.

"Uhm, as much as I would love to stay here for the rest of the night kissing you senseless, I think we should probably go and have our dance. What do you think?"

"Oh, ah sure we should probably do that." She blushes. "I just need to  check my makeup up first."

Before I let her go, I pull her close and kiss her forehead. "God, I love you and I love saying it out loud, so you better get use to hearing it A LOT!"

She giggles. "I promise you, I'll never get tired of hearing it." Then she kisses my cheek before slowly stepping back and heading for the door.

"Please, hurry back. I miss you already."

"Why don't you walk me out, then? Unless you don't want anyone to know about us yet?"

I immediately run to her side. The excitement is gone from her face. It's been replaced by worry. "I've wanted the world to know I love you for months. It's you I'm concerned about. Being the girlfriend of a country singer can be difficult. Some of my fans can be extremely hurtful. So the decision isn't really mine. It's yours."

She pauses for a moment to think about what I said. "You know, I'm tired of denying my love for you. I just want to  scream it from the roof tops. So let's do this. I'm a strong woman, so I think I will be able to handle it, but it it gets tough, I know you'll be here to protect me. That's the kind of man you are and that's one of the reasons I love you."

I can't help myself. I pull her towards me and kiss her passionately leaving both of us breathless. "God, you're amazing. Now, let's go share our good news with everyone."


It's official. Huddy is together!!

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