Like a Fever, you can't shake

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Doing a stupid lashy thing!! Not a good idea, I thought you passed that phase!?- Bonnie's voice throbbed in Damon's head.

"Damn!!"- Damon said and swished back were he had left Bonnie. And, both her and his car were gone. No surprise. Whatever their current emotional upheaval was about, there was still the matter of dark heretic magic lurking everywhere. And Bonnie's duty ad the witch always took precedence. So, he he now sped up in the direction of Whitmore cemetery.
In the meantime in the Grill, munutes before Caroline sent the txt to Bonnie.

"Elena..."- Elijah slipped as a greeting as he now was standing in front of her and Caroline.

"Elijah..."- Elena retorted.

Caroline could not help but notice that both of them exhibited some kind of silent awkwardness of a very unique kind, as if there was a subtext only they understood what it was about.

"If you are here, it only means that a major Original crisis is up. What has Klaus done now?"- Caroline shot out at the Original.

"You know my brother so well" Elijah said.

"Well, what else would it be with you Originals?!"- Caroline said.

Elena tried now to deflect and asked what brought him back to MF.

Elijah now asked if they could go somewhere more private to talk.

Elena had no house of her own anymore, only her Withmore dorm room, and when they were in MF she stayed at Caroline's. She still checked with Caroline if it was ok for them to go talk there.

"It's your house now, too."- Care said.
The three of them then left the Grill.
And as they got out, Caroline's phone rang-
"Bonnie...yeah, going to my house."
Elijah apologized for interrupting and asked if Bonnie could join them.
And so Bonnie, not thinking twice, jumped into Damon's car and drove back to MF. Whatever it was, she needed not to think about Damon, as if that was something her heart or brain could avoid. "I am like the fever you can't shake".
"I will shake you, Damon Salvatore"-Bonnie murmured to herself.

At Withmore cemetery, Damon quickly gathered that Bonnie was not there, but Lily and Stefan, who had already dug out the coffin of their grandfather.
"What took you so long?"- Stefan looked at Damon wondering where Bonnie was.
"Didn't you pick up Bonnie?"
"We kind of had a disagreement!"- Damon said and looked at the tombstone-"Giorgio Salvatore! And the coffin can't be open!"-he concluded.

"That's why we needed the witch!"- Lily said.

"Well, we'll bring the coffin to her."- Damon said.

"Right. Let me go look for a funeral car."- Stefan said and swished off.

Lily looked at Damon seeing strangely agitated, although he was hiding it.
"Any bodies left behind we should take care about?"- Lily asked.
He now gave her a piercing deadly look and spat -"Why don't you go and count them up?!"

"Ok, maybe this was out of order...But the women in your life are really giving you hard time..."-Lily continued.

"Is this supposed to be a caring mother-son moment over my dead witch grandfather's coffin? Seriously?"
"The setting is perfect. I don't see us discussing it over cup of tea in a salon?"-Lily replied.

"Over a coffin or tea-it's none of your business!"- Damon now sifted.

And he felt feverish after Bonnie slammed her feeligs down. Feverish from pain of rejection, a pain that he hadn't felt before, not even when he found out Elena had erased all of their good memories. It was puzzling. It cut deeper. How could that be?
Stefan arrived and they put the coffin at the back of a hearst and drove back to MF.
In MF, Caroline's house

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