Can't help thinking about it

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Jo payed a visit to one of her patients before she was about to leave the hospital.

"Why are you still here Dr Saltzman? The babies need some rest, too?!"- the old woman said.

"They told me that they can't be at peace if I don't make sure you are all right, Mrs West!"-Jo replied looking at the women's chart.

"I am sure Dr Miles will look after me"- the woman replied.

"True. I am leaving you in capable hands"- Jo said and she wanted to add something more but her pager beeped and she saw that it was Liv's number.

She quickly said her goodbyes to the woman and went to her room to call her back.

"What is it?"-Jo said worringly to Liv-"we said you would beep me only if something is not right.

"Kai came a minute ago. And he is bleeding from his nose."- Liv said.
"Why are you keeping him there? Bring him here."
"This is not a medical thing, but. witch thing "-Liv replied.

Jo called Alaric to let him know that she would be making a detour.

Eversince she returned from the fake world, having spent time alone for a while, Bonnie found that at times she needed big crowds, but then again she wanted to just be all by herself.
Caroline worried about her strange mood swings. And being Caroline, she came to Bonnie unannounced bearing gifts of coffee and Bonnie's favourite muffins.

"You are not answering calls, so here I am."- Caroline said walking in Bonnie's house as she opened the door-"what's up? Because I know for a fact there is no major magic thing happening, plus, you have been avoiding Elena so obviously..."

Caroline could always pick on her friend's love troubles even back then when she was just a human teenage girl.

Bonnie sighed a little and took the muffin from the box. They sat down at the kitchen table.

"I know about your awkward kiss with Damon"-Caroline continued.

"It was nothing."-Bonnie then said.

"Why are you looking so guilty about it if it was just a compulsion thing?!"-Caroline wasn't letting it go.
Bonnie was not amused and was on the verge of asking Caroline to leave, but then she looked at her friend finally feeling she needed to off-load all that was going on inside of her.

"I have feelings for Damon."- Bonnie blurted out.

"OMG, I knew it!!"-Caroline shot out.
Bonnie now tried to shoot down the excitement and declared that she was working on resolving the matters of the heart.

"Did something happen in the fake world?? Damon is not himself either and not because Elena erased all of her romantic memories of him. Stefan said there was something more... and I said that it's only cos you were both away in a crazy place."-Caroline went on.

"What did Stefan say??...and nothing happened in the fake world."-Bonnie's heart grabbed for a straw wanting to know if Damon had said anything to his brother.

"Stefan just said that Damon talked about you all the time when we tried to bring you back. Especially after the nught he found Mrs Cuddles in the cemetery. He was changed, Stefan said."

"He sure isn't saying much."- Bonnie said and then puffed in
a slight despair.

"I wish I didn't have these feelings... I wish Elena didn't erase her memories..."

"You think it would have been easier then?"-Caroline retorted.

"They would probably be together and I would know that there was no chance whatsoever and I would just kill these emotions."- Bonnie said, heart dying a little as she said it.

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