When I hopped out the car, I saw some of my friends from school. We haven't talked since the day I first talked to Matthew here. They waved and I smiled kindly.

I'm almost dreading senior year, but at least I will hopefully have classes with Matthew. "What do you want Sky?" Pepper asked me and I pointed to three different flavors. The lady behind the counter laughed at my choices and I just smiled.

Pepper paid even though I offered, but she wouldn't budge. We proceeded to a table outside as Jack stopped me and pulled me around the corner, facing him. I was shocked and I told Pepper to go ahead, sit and I'd be there.

"What's up Jack?" I asked. He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm actually doing good, I've just missed you. Aaron and Amy too. Where have you been?" He said and I smiled to myself.

"I've been spending the summer with this guy I met." I said and his eyes shot down to the floor. "Oh, I thought you'd forgotten us. I surely didn't forget you." He spoke and I lifted his head.

"I didn't know you felt that way Jack, but you are definetly a unforgettable person. I didn't forget you, trust me. I just never found time, which also sucks because believe it or not. You, Aaron and Amy were actually growing on me." I said and he laughed.

"I understand." He said and I gave him a hug. "Have a good rest of your day Jack!" I spoke waving and he nodded the same response to me. I turned around and fell straight into Matthew's arms.

"Hey babe, what are you doing here?" I asked hoping he hadn't seen us hug.

"I just thought I'd get myself a burger and go back to working on my car. What about you and Jack? Are y'all a thing now?" He said nonchalantly. He's mad, but he never shows it. He just acts sarcastic. He's fuming. I can tell.

"No definitely not, I was just explaining to him I'd been spending the summer with this wonderful guy I'd met. I hugged him to soften the blow. I think he was catching feelings." I said and Matthew smiled slightly. Thank you good Lord.

"Who doesn't catch feelings for you? Open your eyes. Every guy in town likes you." He said and I laughed.

"But I only like you." I said and he kissed my cheek. "Good choice of words." He replied and I blushed.

"You aren't mad?" I asked and he shook his head. "I don't get mad." He said and I thought back to everything he's ever told me to see if he got mad, but he never told me about a time were he was mad. Angry yes, but just plain mad no.

He was used to things like this. There was never a need to get mad. His life was a cycle. Nothing new or different. I'll change that.

"You want me to go back to the cabin with you?" I asked and he shook his head. "Nope. I'm working on something and I don't need distractions and you are definitely a distraction." He said with a smirk.

I bit my lip. "Okay, I'll come by later." He gave me the okay sign and I blew him a kiss. He caught it frantically and I laughed.

I sat down at the table and Pepper immediately laughed.

"You are very popular. I ate all my ice cream while you chatted with the whole town." She said being sarcastic until I looked at my half eaten cup and I laughed.

"I'm sorry Pep, I got caught up." She shook her head and I laughed lightly.

"I know, I miss my teenage years. They'll always be little memories, but to relive them would be a dream." She said with a smile.

"What were they like?" I questioned and she went into a big spill. They had a foam party one night and it was so packed they broke the foam machine and it just went every where turning into a laser tag game, but you shot foam at the neon colored humans.

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