Chapter 39: A Lot Of Things Going On

Start from the beginning

   Another point was management. Zayn brilliantly hid the fact he was going to marry, but from Simon's eyes I could see he had a strong suspicioun, although he didn't say a word.
   "He can't." Zayn told me as I shared my thoughts with him. "No one could change my mind or bring us apart."


   I knew there was something wrong. I could recognise it by the silence around the room. The boys never were just sitting around silently, I was not stupid.
   "What's the matter?" I asked and put my shoes off. The lads looked at each other, terrified by the fact I saw through them.
   "Well." Liam cleared his throat and pointed at the empty space on the couch. "There's something we have been.. delaying for a couple of weeks."
   "We banned it out of our thoughts." Zayn added. Niall and Louis nodded while Harry didn't move.
   "The thing is.."
   "Yes?" I felt impatient and didn't like the fact they were talking in riddles. I took a seat on the couch and looked at them full of expectation.
   "Our second world tour is about to start very soon." Liam sounded timid. The other boys as well.
   "I know." I think I kinda surprised him with that, they all stared at me in a strange way and I quickly added: "Do you think I don't know what's going on in your life as One Direction? I was wondering when you would mention the tour in front of me." I was not from yesterday, of course I cared about the 1D-Updates. Sometimes it bothered me they rarely talked about it. Some days I would wake up to an empty house and a note which said they are on their way to France, or wherever!
   "The tour lasts for a really long time." Lou added for consideration and I turned to him. Of course I knew that! What was he expecting?
   Nobody really seemed to be wanting to cut right to the chase of the matter, so they all just kept looking at each other with weird expressions on their faces.
   "We.." Harry slowly started and ran through his curls. "we just wanted to know from you how we all are going to deal with it. Will you come with us?"
   "Come with you?" I repeated, astonished. I opened my crossed-legged legs to sit in a more comfortable position with the feeling inside of that something abnormal is going to happen. What were those silly boys thinking??
   "Yes, why not?" Zayn beside me asked and gave me a puppy-like look. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
   "I have school. Did you all forget that?"
   "No, we didn't." Niall replied to me, stood up and came over to sit on my left. He just had his braces off four days ago and since that he wouldn't stop smiling and grinning. I got so used to it, that seeing him frowning like now felt very unusual. I wanted that Niall-smile back.
   "But after you finish this year? Will you then just stay at home and wait for us, for Zayn to call you up on Skype and give you a ring or something?" Harry's words sounded harsh, as if he wanted to give me a bad feeling. He succeeded.
   "I don't know what will happen when I finish this school year." I said defiantly, hiding my sadness about the tour. I didn't want them to go, and I didn't want to go with them either. It would be too awkward and I would feel useless and like a fifth wheel. Besides that the fans might think I was a person who didn't have a life and had to accompany 1D on the tour like their puppy. No, coming with them was not an option.

   At least, that was my firm decision at that time. But when their tour started and they left me, I started feeling lonely. During the UK and Europe tour though, Zayn once in a while popped into the house to come and see me, but soon it was the beginning of June and they set off for America. Then, all I ever got from Zayn was a daily text message, two weekly Skype-calls and few normal calls during the week. My Summer break started and I regretted turning their offer to join them down. But at the same time I couldn't call them and say 'Hey! I've changed my mind, I'm coming over to America!'
   No way.
   "You're so stubborn!" Emily scolded me and put a new spoon of strawberry ice cream into her mouth. Eleanor nodded in agreement.
   "Stop it." I murmured and tried to ignore her by concentrating on my own ice cream.
   "I know how you feel." El said. "And it's bad." I knew it was bad. I missed them very much but somehow I could get used to it as I already did that before when I was in Egypt.
   "It's not easy, but it will be okay. Sooner or later." I tried to sound firm but it didn't really work. A few girls on the table next to us were whispering and pointing at us.
   "It won't, I know that." Eleanor replied. "And even listening to Back For You and Come Back Be Here a million times won't help." My cheeks turned red when I heard she discovered my secret. How did she know I misused that songs to get over the fact I missed Zayn that much?
   At last, I just sighed in frustration. "The more I appear in the boys' life, the more hate they get." at the beginning, the hate was reduced on calling Zayn a terrorist and so on. Now they say about all of the boys that they were the keepers of two terrorists. I knew it hurted Zayn very much so I always swallowed my own sadness. I didn't want to make him feel worse.
   "That's stupid." Was Emily's comment. "And they will receive hate whether you're with them on tour or just sitting at home uselessly."
   The 'uselessly' part was right. During the day I did nothing but sitting around or reading. I didn't get back to my job in the hospital, so I literally had no life. I even didn't want to go out; Paul prohibited that. Once, I got attacked by a small crowd of Directioners, and management didn't want that to happen again.
   Somehow it surprised me they even cared.

Took Me By Surprise  [Zayn Malik] ✓Where stories live. Discover now