chapter 31- 100,000 and midnight cities

Start from the beginning

"Add that to your résumé." I laughed softly. Mitch smiled as he filled in the rest of his information and hit enter.

"Done." He smiled as he read the information that came up on the screen.

"When's it getting here?" I leaned forward so I could read the words easier.

"Uh, the week before you leave actually." Mitch frowned.

"Hey, at least I'll get to see it." I nudged him, trying to get him in a better mood. It was obvious that he was upset, Mitch and I had grown a lot closer this summer. We were with each other everyday and suddenly we were going to be ripped apart.

"I just- I don't wanna think about it." Mitch shook his head

"Well it's going to happen whether we like it or not, Mitch." I bit my lip, I didn't want to talk about it either, but I figured we would have to sooner or later.

"I'm gonna miss you." Mitch mumbled as he looked down at his hands. He was picking at a loose thread on the hem of his shirt.

"I know. I am too." I placed my head on top of my knees. "I mean, I'm gonna miss you too- not that I'm gonna miss me. Because, you know, I'm hoping with me."

Mitch laughed. "I know what you meant."

"Good. Now if you excuse me, I have some serious business to attend to." I picked up my laptop and walked towards the door.

"Complaining over twitter about me getting my plaque before you do is not serious business!" Mitch called after me

"It is if I word it formally!" I yelled as I closed the door to his room and opened the door to the room I could only call mine for a little over a week.


With only one week to go until I leave Canada to go back home, there was an odd feeling left in the air. And I could tell that it wasn't just me, the guys could feel it too. But we were doing our best to ignore it. Brayden's was now done with volleyball and he came over nearly everyday, and Ryan drove up and stayed with us and Brayden's for a few days. We did everything from staying home and watching movies to taking a small rode trip to go sight seeing.

The other night, we drove to the nearest city -that I didn't bother to learn the name of- and went on a little adventure. According to Ryan, sight seeing was the best at night.

"It's not as crowded, there's no traffic, and everything is lit up." He reasoned

So there we were, parking Ryan's car along the sidewalk in a space that we were sure that his car wouldn't get towed- we hoped- and went off to explore. It was probably an odd sight; four teenagers walking down the road in the middle of the night holding cameras. But the guys didn't care about it, so neither did I. All I wanted to think about was what was happening in the present, because soon, they'll just be memories.

Ryan walked in front, holding out his camera and taking pictures of the buildings and the lights. Brayden was behind him, recording himself and everytghing else that was for what I was guessing a vlog. Mitch and I were in the back, walking side by side. He and I were sharing his camera, passing it back and forth whenever one of us wanted to take a picture or record something that we thought was interesting. He pointed out familiar buildings, some he just gave the name and others had a story behind them.

"That one over there- with the red light at the top-" Mitch pointed to a building with a red light peaking out from behind the apartments that was in front of it. "We went there on a field trip when I was fourteen. My friends and I snuck away from the tour and rode the elevator for a good twenty minutes before the teacher caught us." Mitch chuckled at the memory.

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