Chapter 11 Plans

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Chapter 11

As far as I know nothing more was said about the kiss. Mason acted as if nothing happen so I did too. The pictures of him came out really good. The girls loved them. One girl even asked me if she could keep one.

The next few days went by all the same. If anyone wasn’t talking to me or I was in class and the teacher wasn’t teaching I was either listening to my ipod or reading.

“What have you been listening too?” Shane asked me. He had become a regular at our lunch table. Sometimes I caught Shane and Mason sharing a stare when he walked passed the table. No one else seemed to notice and I didn’t want to say anything. “It sounds like a bunch of gibberish.” He continued.

I pulled out my earphones. “Well its not in English.”

“Still what are you listening to?”

“Alones by Aqua Timez,” I smiled. “They’re one of my favorite bands. My brother Renji took me to see them live once.”

“Let me hear it.” He took my headphones. “I like it.” He listened to the rest of the song. “What is this song?”

“Um…its Last Moment by Spyair.” I said putting the ear bud back in.

“Do you have anything in English?”

“Yeah, but most of it is a few years old. I only have a hand full of songs from this year.” Shane listened to random things on my ipod while the rest of us talked about random things.

Shane was starting to grow on everyone, even Tuesday. The one who had once claimed to hate him. He spent most of his time with us. I wondered he was with before we came along.


“I’m so glad it’s the weekend!” Jaimee giggled as she bounced around while we waited for Robbie to get his books from his locker.

We were all out in the front courtyard. I was lying in the grass and Shane sat down next to me. Every now and then he would play with my hair. “We need to hang out this weekend! Go some place awesome!” Jaimee continued.

“Like where?” Harper asked.

“I don’t know. Ah…how about the beach?”

“Its fall.” Tuesday said rolling her eyes.

“There is still tons of stuff to do at the beach in fall. You don’t have to go swimming or something.” Jaimee replied.

“Just choose something else. I’m not really big on the beach.” I commented seeing a never-ending argument in the making.

“Then what about…the Zoo?”

“I like animals.” I smiled at Tuesday who didn’t seem to like that idea all that much either. After a few seconds she just nodded in agreement.

“What’s your favorite animal?” My eyes met a gleeful boy like face. I had almost forgotten that Shane was even there. I studied his face. From this angle he looked angelic, the sun was creating a halo. I blushed when I noticed the smirk on his face.

“Um…ah it’s a secret.”

“What’s a secret?” I pop up to see Robbie walking up to us.

“Were going to the Zoo tomorrow and I’m making you all guess my favorite animal.”

“What took you so long?” Tuesday asked Robbie.

“Math teacher wanted to know if I was going to sign up for the math scholarship competition.”

“Well are you gonna do it?” Tuesday asked.

“You’re good at math?” I asked kind of surprised.

“Yes and yes. I’m the best at it.”

“Well next time I have a test you’re gonna help me study.”

“I thought other countries were supposed to be better at math?” Harper asked.

“That’s true, its just that math doesn’t stick well with me.” I really didn’t feel like telling them that I have only been in school for a few years. I barely passed my high school entrance exams. I needed a ton of help from Renji to pass them. “Well about the Zoo…What time are we going?” I said trying to change the subject.

“One! Its after the sun is highest in the sky.” Jaimee said.

“Then one shall be the time we venture into the wild. And witness the things that have never been witnessed before.” I said dramatically. 

“You’re a nut.” Shane chuckled.

“Say what up to the pea nut.” Jaimee cheered when she helped me off the ground.

“I prefer ‘Kat’ over pea nut.” I pouted. Even though I loved that they were trying to nickname me. I could be free around them, my friends.  I didn’t have to feel shy around. I felt like I was with my family when I was with them. We could laugh, joke, and tease each other. I loved them and they loved me back.

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